Spiritual Snipers

Dark Spirtual Energy

Dark spiritual energy can be just like a sniper.

There are highly trained individuals that have spent their whole life to kill…. there are some who are Spiritual Snipers that are equally dedicated to inflict harm. As I previously spoke on the topic of Spiritual Slumming in Ep. 16, what I’m sharing today is another whole new depth to how low you can go. As with the previous episode of Spiritual Slumming, I’m not interested in creating any kind of framework to support fear. I am interested in uplifting your spiritual awareness.

If you want to be spiritually aware then you should also realize that there are entities that do expend energy to target and distract you from your true power. My purpose today is to offer clarity to Spiritual Snipers and others who are interested in creating a separation between you and your true gifts. There’s no need to be fearful.

I am not. And as such, I’d like to illuminate how to address any kind of spiritual energy that is distracting, or worse, attempting to create separation within you and your journey. I will be very direct but everything I’m sharing is done in love –for you not to protect yourself.

Lest you misunderstand, let me explain this.

You have a natural tendency to think that you need to protect yourself. You don’t. And here’s why, when you protect yourself you actually cut yourself off from Source. It’s kind of ingenious that someone, or an entity, would spend time calculating something out like this.


Thank you for joining us for this podcast episode 020 of
True Connections with Weston Jolly


I’d like to introduce you to somebody. For several years I’ve been acquainted with a man who works out in our gym. Frank, which isn’t his real name, is about the fittest 74-year-old dude you’ll ever meet. I could easily get distracted in trying to describe his personal fitness to you but I won’t.

Frank served all of his life as highly decorated Navy SEAL. So, if you think that you’re abdomen is in shape let me say, that Frank mid section is like solid steel. This is just the beginning… However, what I really want to share is a little bit about Frank’s background.

Since I don’t have a military background, and there’s a good chance that you don’t either, let me tell you a little bit about what it takes to become a NAVY SEAL. First, what the world is a SEAL? Well, I’ve heard the term all my life, mostly in the movies, but I’ve had no real reference until I looked it all up.

A SEAL is an abbreviation for Sea, Air and Land given to very special elite branch of soldiers that train under the harshest conditions. SEAL teams go through probably the toughest military training in the world. SEALS are assigned missions to develop special operations strategy, doctrine, and tactics. All SEALs must go through an intensive 24-week Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL school and then another 28-week SEAL qualification training program.

Hear this, only 1% of all who apply to the school actually complete it — and that’s not the end of training. Training can take as much as 30 months after a volunteer’s first deployment. And then, there’s another even more elite status after someone becomes a SEAL; and that is, to be asked to join the CIA’s highly secretive and elite Special Operations Group (SOG).

I share all of this because Frank was pulled from the Military and asked to work for the CIA. In short, Frank was also a sniper, which is further distinguished as a special kind of assassin. The pay for being a SEAL is out about $54 grand a year, of which you remember passes only the top 1% who desire to join, and if you join the CIA as a SEAL the pay ranges from $60 to $100 thousand annually.

Okay, I’ve shared all of this so that you know that these US trained snipers, assassins and killers, earn less than a Tax Accountant. So, these individuals aren’t necessarily doing it for the money. So, why am I describing all of this?

My point? Just as there are highly trained individuals that have spent their whole life to kill…. there are some who are Spiritual Snipers that are equally dedicated to inflict harm. Do I have your attention now? Good, I hope so.

As I previously spoke on the topic of Spiritual Slumming in Ep. 16 of True Connections with Weston Jolly, what I’m sharing today is another whole new depth to how low you can go. As with the previous episode of Spiritual Slumming, I’m not interested in creating any kind of framework to support fear. I am interested in uplifting your spiritual awareness.

If you want to be spiritually aware then you should also realize that there are entities that do expend energy to target and distract you from your true power. My purpose today is to offer clarity to Spiritual Snipers and others who are interested in creating a separation between you and your true gifts. There’s no need to be fearful, anymore than I would need to be afraid of Frank at the gym.

I am not. And as such, I’d like to illuminate how to address any kind of spiritual energy that is distracting, or worse, attempting to create separation within you and your journey. I will be very direct but everything I’m sharing is done in love –for you not to protect yourself.

Lest you misunderstand, let me explain this.

You have a natural tendency to think that you need to protect yourself. You don’t. And here’s why, when you protect yourself you actually cut yourself off from Source. It’s kind of ingenious that someone, or an entity, would spend time calculating something out like this.

Whenever you sense fear, your body is designed, even hard wired, to activate certain protection systems. When fear is acknowledged your body dumps adrenalin allowing for you to run faster, act quicker and it even sharpens your mind to instant decision-making. Further, your eyes open even wider to take in more information about the fear so that you can properly react. Your breathing instantly changes to rapid breaths so that you are supplied with more oxygen to do whatever you have to do.

In essence, in a fear based state, you are pulled further into your body so it can protect you. This makes sense if it’s something physical your dealing with, but it doesn’t —-if it’s spiritual. How are you going to out-run the projections of spiritual sniper and a spiritual bullet? You’re not.

It’s a cleaver tactic to get you pulled into your body and for you to use your body’s own defense system to protect you when it can’t. The result? All of this keeps you; busy, distracted and disconnected.

My first point in dealing with Spiritual Snipers is to STAY OPEN. Staying open allows you to be connected to Source at it’s strongest level. And it will take some practice. Most people have not developed a habit to reaching further into being connected when any perception of fear arises.

No matter what is happening around you, don’t close yourself off. Instead, open yourself to Source. Let me show you in detail what I mean… When your body dumps adrenalin it is done automatically. Even if you were dealing with a real physical fear, if you develop the habit of being open to Source it will give you access to much more than a sharper mind and body.

When it comes to spiritual projections, and by this I am referencing undesired spiritual energy or entities that want to inflict harm, being open is the ONLY way. Being spiritually open provides you with a true sense of direction. Most importantly it directs you to what is real and what isn’t.

Even physically, everyone knows that the vast majority of fear that the mind creates is irrational, or better stated, it will never happen. And if it does happen it appears you are quite adapt to handle it. This is also true spiritually. I am saying that the majority of spiritual fears come from an energy that is trying to dislodge your connection.

If you understand that spiritual projections, in any form, are meant to distract you from your actual connection then you can simply not play. Think of it this way; imagine playing on a football field and suddenly you realize that you don’t want to play the game so you just walk off. There might be jeering and even an electricity to keep you engaged but if you remember to be open, then you can easily walk off.

It’s an easy concept to comprehend but being open in a state of perceived danger may take some training. Remember that free-will choice is everything and because of it, nothing can take place without your permission. That is, you get to decide to engage with spiritual projections or you can merely walk away, connected to Source and empowered.

My second point in dealing with Spiritual Snipers and or projections is to set boundaries. For example, I was helping a woman who had a father who was a predator. His physical interactions with his daughter, while he was alive, were the very opposite of what we recognize as good father. When he passed, his habit of invading his daughter’s space continued even though he was no longer in his body.

In helping this woman, I wanted her to realize that she had the power to create he own boundary. As a child, this woman’s boundaries were often breached and mostly without consent. To the point, she felt that she’d lost the power or the ability to create a boundary. This extended into the spiritual world with her father wanting to “visit her” spiritually while she was sleeping. And inappropriately I might add.

Through the power of free will you have the everlasting choice to choose what you want. If you want a little space you can have it without interruption. If you’re thinking that creating space is the same as protecting yourself it isn’t. Creating space, with a boundary, is creating an environment that is desired.

Let me share a goofy example. When I go into a bathroom and close the door, there’s a reason the door is closed…I want some space. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing in my space as much as I am claiming space through my choice of free will. Additionally, I don’t need to protect myself; I just want some bathroom space. The door, and even the whole room, is a designated boundary.

My body is another boundary. Nobody gets to breach my space without my permission. This extends to my bedroom. My car. Even my house.

Because free-will choice extends beyond this dimension, I am able to enjoy my space, while being connected, but to those things that are desired, and that which is in the Light. So, think of a boundary, not as a barrier, but a space in which you are connected to energies that uplift you.

An additional example of a boundary you know you are safe in your space at all times. This means that you nobody gets to mess with you. Therefore, a Spiritual Sniper with a specific objective and strategy can’t take a shot at you when you’ve employed a natural boundary. Think of a natural boundary where’d you see the shore next to a lake.

There’s a distinction. Yet, in this example of where the land meets the water, there is no fear as much as there is an understanding. This is how Spiritual Snipers, and energies that may be vile, can’t cross a well defined border. This is how anyone can be next to someone, or even an undesired entity, without fear.

The third point is focused intention. Holding focused intention is concentrating on exactly what it is that you want to create. If you do this really well, you’ll completely loose track of anything other than what you’re creating. I’m going to offer you a very simple analogy.

In basketball, when a foul has occurred there’s been an invasion of space. Usually, it’s aggressive behavior and this is why it’s labeled a foul. A boundary has been crossed, and a whistle is blown, and the party who created the foul is identified. As an advantage, the fouled player is allowed a free-throw shot or two.

During a free throw both teams are lined up equidistant from each other to create extra space, where there is absolutely no interference, while the fouled player gets an opportunity to make the shot. All of this extra space doesn’t mean a thing if the fouled player shooting the free throw doesn’t stay focused on the goal.

In basketball the goal is to score points. In life, the goal is whatever you create it to be. In your connection to Source, you can apply your focused energy -this is the final key. This focused attention is how the ball goes into the hoop.

It’s important not to go into defense. Any defensive energy, and the behavior that follows it, reroutes whatever energy you’d normally want to use to take yourself forward toward your goals. Focusing your energy allows you to create what you want regardless of someone, or again an entity, that it taking a pot shot at you.

The more focus that you develop the more energy is concentrated for your desire. I’m going to use another example. Anyone meditating can practice sitting in a perfectly quiet place with no interference. This is exactly like taking a free throw shot. Certainly, I’m not dismissing this kind of practice. It’s actually very good.

However, if a Spiritual Sniper shows up, physically or spiritually, remember your practice and stay exceedingly focused on your True Spiritual connection. Ultimately, you find it really hard to be derailed. As you focus you won’t be bothered. If there continues to be a persistent disruption walk off the football field not choosing to engage in any type of energetic game of this kind.

I’m keenly aware of what Frank, from my gym, has done. Frank has confided in me some of the details of his life as a SEAL, working in the CIA in black Ops as a sniper and I am not scared. Seeing and talking to Frank while exercising doesn’t bother me.
In fact, I was quite curious how he might react when he learned what I spend all my time doing.

When he did ask, and I told him I channel, speak and write he was completely stunned. I am pretty sure that he had me pegged to be in finance or business of some kind. He was actually speechless when I told him but he did manage to say; “I’ve always known there’s something special about you, and every member of your family, but I’ve never known exactly what. I think I know now…”

In one sense it was funny for any recognition to be given to me, or any member of my family, when I wasn’t doing anything. Well, I guess I am. And this is the point of my sharing all this with you. As you exhibit yourself in strength you will also create a spiritual understanding in spite of the differences. This is true physically as it is spiritually.

In conclusion, if you ever come across Spiritual Snipers and or any energy that is objectionable. Be determinedly open. One, open to Source and don’t allow your body to be fooled into reacting to something that it can’t physically address. Two, create a boundary or as we described, a space that reflect what you want to create. Thirdly, be focused on what you are creating. Don’t be distracted by anything that is outside of your Divine Connection.

Something More

The Story of Devdan’s Ascension

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