Book: The Path to Ascension


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Written over 20 years ago, The Path to Ascension, for the first time is now ready to be published. The first book Is God With Us? was channeled within the first six months of Weston Jolly’s spiritual awakening. Weston’s second book, The Ascender was also channeled within this same first year.

The Path to Ascension asks; for you to release your attachments to who you think you are, what you do, and how you express it. “The Ascended Master knows they can’t take their past into the future.”

Every thought and experience limits your ability to spiritually grow and ascend. The Path to Ascension asks you to connect to your Higher Self not only for your own pure enjoyment but also for your Soul. As you continue your ascension, your awareness and your expressions become seeds to others who are knowingly seeking something more.


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