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Trying to figure out your lucid dreams? Deja Vu? Perhaps you need some direction with life goals? Increase your spiritual awareness. Bring your questions and let’s get started.

Want to connect with your intuition? Get more out of your relationships? Make more money or just be free?

You’re in the right place

Meet Weston

I’m a life coach, business consultant, author and speaker and definitely a spiritual channel.

Meet weston

I’m a life coach, business consultant, author and speaker and definitely a spiritual channel.

Get insight with True Connections with Weston Jolly® Podcasts

Listen to new episodes every other week that inspire, and help you increase your spiritual connection. Search the library to listen to these FREE podcasts for topics that interest you.

Get insight with True Connections with Weston Jolly® Podcasts

Listen to new episodes every week that inspire, and help you increase your spiritual awareness. Search the library to listen to these FREE podcasts for topics that interest you.

Living creatively

I am so grateful to you for challenging me in that very first phone call to stop running from my creative side. You needed to know how far your prodding has gotten me down this path (although I’m sure you already knew 🙂

- MA(CEO & Now author of two books)

Expressing my true self

The speech in London went great! Many members of the Board of Directors also commented on ‘how open and inspiring I was.’ I’m so glad we talked before hand…

- PA(Board Member $22B company)

Sports performance

While I swam in the Olympics I just wanted the affection and love of my (coach) father… You’ve helped me more than I can say.

- CA(Athlete and Writer)


Do you remember telling my boyfriend and I if he didn’t make an immediate change (with his addiction) that he would die? Are you aware that he passed within the exact time frame you told us? Thank you for telling me/us the truth.

- IL(Marketing Executive)


I like sex but I’ve always had enormous guilt -especially because I am a woman. I can’t thank you enough for sharing that it’s okay for me to love.

- NY(Interior Decorator)


As you know I was engaged to be married but after our session I faced the truth that I wasn’t in love with him even though I wanted to be. What words can I say to express my gratitude for your truth.

- NY(Yoga Studio owner)

If you want to know the truth. Make change. And grow.

Get Spiritually Inspired

What are you creating this year?

Discover insight for your business or career

Weston offers business consulting, combining his channeling gifts with his 20+ years of business and marketing.

Time to be Rich
A proven path to riches

Discover the truth, joy and freedom of experiencing your life with affluence. Available in paperback, on Kindle or iPad and Audio.

Find your joy
BE in the moment

Learn how to be in the moment. Read Weston’s article “The Joy of Being in the Moment” and discover the joy life holds for you.

Are you ready for a

life changing experience?

Are you ready for a life-altering experience?


The Magic of Now

Download this free audio to learn and apply Three Ways To Increase Your Spiritual Awakening — tap further into your spiritual awareness, your gifts and on your terms.

Let’s get started!

For sessions with Weston, please use the Create An Appointment button below. For information or questions please fill the direct email form on your right. Or, use the links below to stay connected. Thank you!


8485 E. McDonald Dr. #234
Scottsdale, AZ 85250

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Let’s Get Started!

For sessions with Weston, please use the Create An Appointment button below. For information or questions please fill the direct email form on your right. Or, use the links below to stay connected. Thank you!


8485 E. McDonald Dr. #234
Scottsdale, AZ 85250

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