Your thoughts of inspiration matter. Ponder this and it will change your life.
Uncertain About Your Future with AI? It’s Not Just You.
How will AI affect you? Your future? Your job? Your world?
Paralyzed by Fear: Learning to Live Beyond Anxiety
Paralyzed by Fear: Learning to Live Beyond AnxietyTune into your Higher Self and leave anxiety disorders behind.Getting Past Fear and Anxiety It is generally believed that anxiety is the body’s natural response to subtle clues that warn of potential dangers ahead....
Love Lessons for Old Souls
LOVE LESSONS FOR OLD SOULSUnderstand the wisdom and love offered in how Old Souls create their romantic relationships. If you're an Old Soul looking for love or you're one wanting to create a romantic relationship with an Old Soul you'll appreciate this timeless...
What Does ‘Old Soul’ Mean?
Old souls have gifts that go beyond their age. Wisdom and special talents are characteristics of someone who may be an old soul. These free thinkers rarely seek to conform.
Old Soul Signs: The Good and BAD traits of Being an Old Soul
Being called an old soul can go one of two ways. It can be a compliment as much as it can be a jab that perhaps you, as an old soul, aren’t in touch with reality. Discover the 14 signs of an old soul. The good and the bad.
10 Reasons Why To Say Nameste
The real meaning of Namaste is in understanding the power behind using the word – even if you’re not into Yoga. Namaste is a spiritual reflection of honor and respect of another’s Higher Self. Typically, Namaste is heard when you greet someone…
Even John Wilkes Booth can’t keep this President’s message quiet
Even John Wilkes Booth can’t quiet this President’s message from the grave. A medium’s channeled insight to Abraham Lincoln’s view on Independence Day (4th of July 2020) From the Grave “It is from the grave that I extend my passion for this great country, in which I…
Connect with your higher self with these free podcasts to increase your spiritual skills.
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