Hi, I’m

After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that… “You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…”

When you don’t think you can

Don’t look down it’s a long ways to fall. You know you shouldn’t but then at one point you do. Suddenly, you can’t move. You feel frozen. Inevitably here it comes, I don’t think I can do this.

Your thoughts are way more powerful that you may realize. (Even if you don’t rock climb.)

Isn’t it the worst when you really want to do or accomplish something and your mind starts racing with doubt and uncertainty?  How does this affect your Mind, Body and Soul?

I think you may be surprised.  Managing When You Don’t Think You Can  may be easy for you in some areas of you life and impossible in others. Discover how to think you can versus being constrained to thinking you can’t.

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Thank you for joining us for this podcast

Episode 038 of True Connections with Weston Jolly

Transcription: When You Don’t Think You Can

When you’re connected it feels like you can do anything! When you’re not, you may doubt your very existence. Everyone walks the tight rope of these two extremes. For some this maybe easier for some versus others. So, what’s the trick to thinking you can when maybe way down deep inside you think you can’t?

Before getting into the depths of When You Don’t Think You Can. I need to present an example of these extremes. There’s nothing better to describe starting and stopping fast than this true story.

Some time ago, a co-worker once told me his wife worked delivering newspapers. I was just out of college and I didn’t really think that delivering papers was a real job. Well, this isn’t true it was because it was actually my first job. I was 10 when I got my first paper route.

Therefore, delivering newspapers didn’t seem like a grown up job to me. I couldn’t quite make the connection that a grown woman would be out delivering newspapers at 4am. Then my friend told me that she delivered some 400 or 500 papers every morning. I stood staring at him.

Then it hit me, my friend Jay, had to be joking! My paper route was maybe 32 houses. It took me maybe thirty minutes from the time I picked up the papers to be empty handed and bicycling for home. I liked the job and it was done with a special set of canvas bags nestled around my handle bars, specialized baskets and a bicycle that was strong enough to hold the whole load.

Jay, laughed at me and said, “No, she’s the real deal.” I could tell by his face that he wasn’t kidding. Now, curious I asked, “How does she do it?”

He replied, “She has a car and she loads as many papers as she can into the front seat, back seat and trunk so she doesn’t have to make so many trips to where the papers are dropped off from the semi trucks that carry them from the publisher.“ I was still a little skeptical and caught off guard with all this detail, and because my friend was an electrical engineer with a good sense of humor, I was still a little uncertain that all of this wasn’t made up for his amusement.

Jay, looked at me and said, “Hey, I’m not kidding….” Then after a pause he said, “She goes through brakes every other month and we need a new transmission annually. That was it! Nobody, needs to change the brakes in their car every sixty days. Only people who race cars come anywhere close to such extremes.

Jay, continued talking even though my non-verbals were clearing communicating my disbelief. Jay said, “My wife stops and starts from each house with such speed and then stops so fast that it makes most people sick.” I was starting to lean into the story a little bit now. So, I asked, “What do you mean?”

“She rapidly accelerates the car, slams on the brakes, throws a paper out the window -while it perfectly hits the front door mat- and hits the gas again.” He continued, “Her District Manager went to ride with her one morning and got really sick after a couple of minutes and couldn’t go any further.” I said, “Are you kidding?”

Jay said, “Nope, I can’t ride with her either. The way she drives makes me car sick too. The stopping and starting is awful.” Now I understood why the car needed new brakes and a new transmission so often. Jay’s wife was running her car as hard as any New York city taxi driver, maybe even harder.

What does all this starting and stopping have to do When you Don’t Think You Can?

This is easy, and I hope you never forget Jay’s wife delivering papers and starting and stopping with such force – When You Think You Can, you’re accelerating. When You Don’t Think You Can – you’re stopping. And if you’re doing this aggressively, even if you’re driving the car, you might feel nauseous from the extremes.

We have but one goal with this topic, that is to establish one connection in that you think you can. Anything else is stopping your inertia. This is easy to understand and it can be sometimes challenging to implement if you’re used to stopping and starting.

When I say stop and start what I am really saying is when you don’t think you can versus when you think you can. This is a fine line -and this too is why I used the imagery of you walking a tight rope. I could talk about all of this until I’m blue but there’s nothing like a little exercise to demonstrate the point.

In about one minute, I’m going to illustrate through one of the best examples I’ve ever discovered. I originated this exercise at Weston Jolly’s Sedona Retreat several years ago but I think you need to hear it. First, if it’s at all possible, place ear buds on your ears or use headphones.

This will allow you to hear the stereo effect of the competing of these two opposites. If you want, go ahead and stop the program and get yourself all hooked up. Once you have your headphones on, hit play again and you’re all set to go.

Here’s the exercise;

I’m going to be talking in your left ear, of which I will label as the blue side. Using this audio track you will hear statements, thoughts, feelings that say you can’t. Specifically, everything coming into your left ear, the blue side, will be thoughts that encourage When you Don’t Think You Can.

Inversely, in your right ear, which I’m labeling as the yellow side, you will hear encouragement towards When you Think You Can. Put simply, the blue side will present things everyone has heard at one time or another and it will stream. The yellow side will stream thoughts of encouragement towards your thinking that you can.

For your total enjoyment I’m going to start streaming the blue side first with no yellow side. Then, I will start streaming to the yellow side with nothing playing on the blue side. Once you’ve audibly established what we’re doing here, then I’ll formally start the exercise when I say “begin.”

Normally, I transcribe the entirety of all my True Connections with Weston Jolly podcasts. But for this exercise, I’m not going to do that. I really want you to listen to it. There’s a reason for this too and I’ll explain that after we’re done with the exercise.

So if you’re reading this podcast, instead of listening to it, you’re about to see a big blank on the page called “Weston’s audio exercise” And for anyone reading who want to just listen to this part of the podcast, I will provide you the exact time in which this exercise starts so you can go to start to listening.

——- Weston Jolly’s Audio Exercise ——-
(Begins at the time mark 6:38)

Okay, now that we’re all done. What did you notice? How did you do in hearing both sides? Was it easier to hear – When You Don’t Think You Can – the blue side? Or was it easier to hear the yellow side –When You Think You Can?

When I first developed the exercise, I thought it would be much easier than it is. If you want to take the whole exercise up to a whole other level, get in front of a mirror and look at yourself as you listen to both sides; yellow and blue. You’ll even notice more in watching yourself in the mirror. Take notes of what you see and what you experienced, if you want to get the very most from this opportunity.

The reason that you want to really be open in participating in this activity is to see which side of the fence your mind gravitates. If you tend to go toward the blue side, When You Don’t Think You Can, then realize that this has become a habit. If you’re one of the few who have developed a skill set to really hone into the yellow side, When You Think You Can then you’ve already mastered something incredible.

You’re not doomed if you have a natural inclination towards the blue side, it’s just an undesired habit. So, here you are about to ask the magical question; which is, “How do I put attention into Thinking You Can. Ahhh… I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that. There’s no real trick.

If you’re willing to listen to that which is true, then listening to the yellow side becomes easy. If you’ve spent time hearing, through various repetitions of the blue side, it’s time to turn the volume down. This next thought is a simple but it’s also a little complex too.

When you tune into Source there is no limit to what you can hear. If the yellow side reminds you of the Sun… I think that’s kind of cool. On that side, there’s nothing but Light to hear should you be interested in really hearing what you can do.

In the old days of 45 rpm records, you’d always have the “A” side and the “B” side. The “A” side was the hit song. The “B” side wasn’t. So, what should you do, if you wake up and you’re mind is playing the “B” side of life or the blue side?

First, if you’re trying to show yourself something specific When You Don’t Think You Can then allow it. If you don’t think you can, because of an underlining issue that clearly needs to be seen, addressed so that you can go on then this thought serves its purpose. When You Don’t Think You Can becomes the blues side of a broken record not offering anything constructive in nature then you’ve got to change your tune.

As the exercise that we went through clearly demonstrates you have to be willing to apply yourself to what you can do. This isn’t hard but like all things desired it may take some practice. Practicing what you can do is an important mental exercise.

Perhaps, some specifics of what think you can versus thinking you can’t is in order. I think it’s important to get in touch with some real examples – don’t you?

Let me offer you a handful of thoughts in a kind of oral quiz. I will say something and I want you to hear, within your own self, When You Don’t Think You Can versus When You Think You Can. Pay special attention to your body instead of just trying to “say the right answers.” Let yourself really feel when you can versus when you can’t.

I’m going to list several items. As I do, hear within, whether you think you can or can not. Deal? Okay, here we go…

  1. Take a Driver’s Test right now, without studying for it, and pass
  2. Start school again. If you didn’t go to college, then attend your first year passing all of your classes. (In addition to whatever circumstances surround you now, working, relationship, etc.) If you went to college then starting school again would be in pursuit of an advanced degree.
  3. Cook a recipe that you’ve never tried before for your a dinner in which you invite new guests
  4. Affirm out loud, “I love myself” 25 times a day for a week.
  5. Loose 5lbs in a week
  6. Drink 8 glasses of water in a day
  7. Go the gym at least three times in one week
  8. Look into the mirror and really look at yourself
  9. Meditate for ten minutes at least three times in one week
  10. Write out 10 things that you are sincerely grateful for right now
  11. Release something specific from your past that has never been quite released before. If you need further help; forgive something specific from your past and really let it go.
  12. Do something for a neighbor you know they could really use help with. (Naturally, this presumes that you are aware of what they need.)

If you took this oral quiz, what was the overall numbers? What was your overall impression? When You Don’t Think You Can – how many times did this come up?
When You Think You Can – how many times did this come up? If you took this test by actually reading this podcast, you’ll even have more definitive results.

Did you notice any patterns? With your answers? Did you notice anything about the questions? Did you notice Mind, Body and Spirit as categories?

For you information, the first four questions were set-up to inquire When You Don’t Think You Can regarding your Mind. Then another four questions were presented about your Body? What were your thoughts? Was this category easier? Do you think you can or are you thinking you can’t?

Finally, what about the third category? Was it easier to for You to Think You Can in the Spiritual division?

All of this presents awareness for you to become enabled, empowered and connected. This is done by connecting to the yellow, or the illuminated side. The power of your thoughts is nothing short of amazing.

Before we begin summarizing everything. I wanted to give you the reason that I presented the audio exercise. It gets you out of your head! Seriously, in hearing these two sides; blue and yellow you get to choose. You do so all of the time. Much of the time unconsciously. So, here’s to your conscious connection to the Light!

In conclusion, what we’ve learned in When You Don’t Think You Can is that this thought is a very powerful. It’s actually an exact place, this thought, that creates the very division that you can’t. It doesn’t matter what the thing is that you can’t connect too. However, there may be patterns to notice in what areas are easiest, or the hardest, in the categorized assessment with Mind, Body and Spirit.

When you bridge this thought When You Think You Can this creates hope until at one time there is an understanding that you can do something. This can applied to something new or untried but this thinking is pivotal in creating. It puts you in the Light. Connected to Source. A lovely way of connecting -right?.

I want to share one more thing in conclusion. In terms of years, at least half of my life has been constructed When You Don’t Think You Can regarding direct connection with Source. I was taught to doubt my spirituality. If you can see where we’re going here, removing When You Don’t Think You Can regarding your spiritual development will change everything. It will move you into Thinking You Can. And this is a good thing, don’t you think?

And for the record, I know you can…

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