What does ‘old soul‘ mean?
Updated: April 29, 2021
Everything you need to know about an Old Soul
Definition of Old Soul | What are the characteristics? | What is an Old Soul? | Who do you Know?| Video of Old Soul children | How to determine if you’re an Old Soul? | Teaching an Old Soul | Knowledge vs. intellect |
The definition of an Old Soul
An Old Soul is someone who exhibits extraordinary perception. Sometimes Old Souls reference children, or someone who is younger, or who has exceptional knowledge, talent, wisdom or even psychic insight. But that’s not all!
Video Interview/presentation of two Old Soul children.
Video of Oprah interview of Alexandra Nechita an Old Soul master painter
Video of Greta Thunberg in Davos Switzerland at the Worldwide Economic Forum
17 Special characteristics
- The secret to spotting an Old Soul is in their vision.
- Truth is everything.
- Being popular, or even being accepted, isn’t considered very important.
- Insatiable curiosity for all things.
- An Old Soul is a great listener. (But only to those who genuinely have some type of real knowledge or truth to share.)
- Materialistic things aren’t so important.
- Relationships are treasured because Old Souls know that this is the only thing that gets transferred from one life to another.
- Old Souls make exceptional romantic partners.
- Life is considered very precious.
- Old Souls have a sage like quality that puts them into their own little world. (Understanding this is quite important especially if you’re raising an Old Soul as a child.)
- Absolutely will test anyone in authority who would try instilling his or her own will or control.
- Old Souls enjoy a knowingness in how things come together. This is normal because they see things, as they really are -not being limited to methods or commonly accepted thoughts or ideas.
- They are free thinkers.
- Exceptional creativity or talent.
- Rarely do you see a desire for an Old Soul to conform for the sake of anything. (This includes parents or even the community.)
- Know everyone and everything comes from One.
- Spiritual; commonly with extraordinary clairvoyance and other psychic gifts.
What is an Old Soul?
An Old Soul is anyone who enjoys a wisdom with an empathic flair to connect with people – oftentimes with older people- nature and the Universe. There is a definite spirituality to Old Souls that is impossible to ignore. Commonly, Old Souls are very powerful but generally tend to be more quiet or introspective. Not necessarily in personality or speech but in how they process the world or life.
Teaching an Old Soul
A parent or a teacher would do well do understand that teaching an Old Soul child isn’t the same as the usual student. An Old Soul has exceptional focus and a tremendous desire to connect within. If they don’t feel the relevance in the material or the authentic connection with the subject matter from their teacher, they are likely to buck the system and even the teacher.
Their behavior can be misinterpreted as disrespectful, being aloof, not paying attention or nonconforming. This is especially true in classrooms, or anything highly structured in society, that doesn’t make sense to their initiate wisdom. It’s not that the Old Soul student seeks special attention as much as they seek a deep relevance to what’s being taught and even by whom.
Knowledge versus intellect
But how is an Old Soul different from someone who is smart? Old Souls have gifts that go beyond their body and their age. This includes their mind too. This is what differentiates someone who is smart versus an Old Soul.
For example, Old Souls who observe and seen the world the way that do see beyond their peers or even the time period of their incarnation. There is ease or a comfort in understanding, creating or exhibiting something complex. Old Souls tend to get it before, and way beyond, any current teaching.
In fact, their foresight seems to come from someplace else. And it does. Old Souls are often reincarnated, and this is where the term “Old Souls” comes from. Both would explain their access to their understanding that is out-of-this-world.
Who do you know…
Old Souls can be identified not just by what they know but how they came to know the information. A great example of an Old Soul would be Nickola Tesla. Tesla was an inventor, electronic engineer and genius all of which properly describes Nickola but he was also an Old Soul. His being an Old Soul is seen in his spiritual gifts in seeing things that were way outside of his lifetime.
Currently, there are many Old Souls that have come to offer us their wisdom and talents. Two immediately come to mind; one known as the “Tiny little Picaso,” Alexandra Nechita and the other environmental revolutionist, Greta Thunberg.
Only a FEW people are Old Souls
Being an Old Soul isn’t exclusive, it just means not everyone has traveled the down the same spiritual path. And to to be clear it’s not the same road as much as it’s a similar theme. There’s a definite spiritual aspect to Old Souls that give them wisdom, talent and true knowledge and understanding. It’s super easy to be in the company of any Old Soul because ultimately they’re so comfortable with themselves that their energy is wonderfully appealing.
Old Souls can make wonderful partners, friends and lovers but only if you like being around honesty and the truth. Maybe you’re an Old Soul? If you’re interested in finding out, take this Old Soul test.
Spiritual Guidance
When you recognize and connect with an Old Soul it is quite transforming. You’ll find yourself touche or even transformed in giving your full attention to the child or person who hosts the wisdom of being an Old Soul. Most adults don’t realize the simplicity in connecting with the Old Soul is in their energetic openness. As the Old Soul child grows up, so does their wisdom. It’s not really magic but it sure feels special to be in the presence of an Old Soul.
Listening to Old Souls isn’t easy if you’re still holding onto to your perspective. Logically, this statement is easy to understand but it’s not so easy the moment you’re faced with the certainty of an Old Soul who knows the truth. Fortunately, Old Souls are enormously patient in holding space for any person, or even group, who wants to further develop themselves and grow spiritually. There’s no other way to describe it, there’s peace and a humility being in the presence of an Old Soul.
ABOUT Old Souls
● Only a Few People Are Old Souls (Quiz)
● The Good and the Bad Traits of Being an Old Soul
● 7 Things You Should Know About Old Soul Love
● 12 Signs Your Raising an Old Soul Kid
● The Compassionate Soul