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The Magic of Intuition
Intuition as a subject, is both simple and complex. It is also offered individually and globally. In this conversation, it is our purpose that you would awaken to a greater comprehension about intuition. Intuitive messages are constantly shared with you at the simplest of spiritual levels but only if you’re paying attention. Intuitive Messages are constantly broadcast by Source.
Spiritual messages from Source can be received in infinite ways. Oftentimes, intuitive messages are described, as “feelings.” This is appropriate because you are used to using your senses to receive information. However, the idea that you intuitively feel isn’t correct. This is because intuitive messages do not originate with any of your five physical senses.
Intuitive messages present quite a challenge for this kind of mindset. Intuition isn’t a bunch of secret coded messages. It is a dynamic stream emanating from Source. Opening to Source is an exceptional way to further develop your sense of the intuitive.
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Thank you for joining us for this podcast episode 007 of
True Connections with Weston Jolly
The magic of intuition is less about the messages and more about the process. For you to understand, to really understand intuition, you are encouraged to be even more open to the subject. There isn’t one thing that is held back from you. Why would there be?
As the Source and substance of all things, you should recognize what is truth and what isn’t, both within and without. This is important, otherwise like a child, you’re easily fooled and led around by the desires and energy of others. Certainly, there are beings that choose to take advantage of such nativity, but there is also pure beauty in being genuinely this open.
We welcome your desire to be more intuitive. Intuition as a subject, is both simple and complex. It is also offered individually and globally. In this conversation, it is our purpose that you would awaken to a greater comprehension about intuition.
Intuitive messages are constantly shared with you at the simplest of spiritual levels. All animals are born with certain instinctive characteristics of their biological species. People aren’t born with comparable instincts, but you are given intuition. The difference between animal instinct and human intuition is that intuitions are dynamic messages from Source.
Animal instincts are static messages from Source providing certain physical patterns for the benefit of the animal and all of nature. On a carnal level, humans sometimes only follow their intuition in times of crisis. This pattern is similar to animal instincts where it provides for both protection and opportunity for propagation. For you, intuition can be seen as a hope to increase your spiritual and physical development.
Intuitional messages are constantly broadcast by Source. They are both personal and for the world. The very nature of intuition is not commonly known. In this dialog, we will focus exclusively on intuitive messages directed to you.
Spiritual messages from Source can be received in infinite ways. Oftentimes, intuitive messages are described, as “feelings.” This is appropriate because you are used to using your senses to receive information. However, the idea that you intuitively feel isn’t correct. This is because intuitive messages do not originate with any of your five physical senses.
All messages from Source can be converted and interpreted by anyone, which leaves for a great number of explanations both wondrously accurate and horrendously misinterpreted. This is not shared to condemn any. To interpret intuition, you are encouraged to open to originating frequency of the message. The magic of intuition is in the process.
Intuitive messages are not snippets of a finite length; they are a stream of information. Just as a singular photograph seems to capture a singular moment in time, it is only one instant taken from the flow of continuous movement. The mind likes such encapsulations because it is allowed more time to analyze and process the extremity of the data. This is done so that the mind can either recognize an old pattern or classify a new one.
When you see a photograph, you actually form an image from the colored printed dots to perceive a pattern that you recognize. The same method of perception is true in receiving intuitive messages. Every intuitive message is highly complex but it is usually seen as a recognizable pattern. Some people have a more natural inclination to see these intuitive patterns or images while others don’t.
This can best be understood in the same way a person who is nearsighted can’t see anything clearly in the distance. Intuitive messages are constantly streaming but if you can’t see them they may not seem real. This kind of thinking is foundational to the way science observes, measures and categorizes. The mind loves this kind of structure and processing.
Intuitive messages present quite a challenge for this kind of mindset. Intuition isn’t a bunch of secret coded messages. It is a dynamic stream emanating from Source. Opening to Source is an exceptional way to further develop your sense of the intuitive.
Why? Actually for many reasons. First, intuitive messages are based in spirit and as a result they are best treated differently than how the mind receives other bodily-sensed information. This presents a problem for the mind, in its perception of self, as it is threatened by such messages. This is the primary reason why intuitive messages are discarded or thrown away.
This is also true for other higher forms of spiritual connection or knowledge but the habit of disallowing or rejecting is common. Further, some personality types may have a stronger disposition to that which they can see or materially interpret versus those things they “think” they can’t. In any case, anyone is free to receive an intuitive message and, if you want, the entire stream of messages that are being presented. For those who desire an increased connection, we will assist you directly in helping you to tune into your aspiration.
Your physical senses do not need to be turned off to receive intuitive information but you may need to relearn how to process them. This is the point, which is for you to become open to the process of the intuitive stream. In this flow of Spirit there is knowledge, excellence and understanding of such magnitude and joy.
In a single picture, snapshot or photograph and within a single intuitive message there is more information than the mind can possibly assemble. This can be overwhelming as it can be like a puzzle, where there is more than what is initially apparent. Let us be clear, intuitive messages are not constructed in prejudice to one type of mind versus another. All human minds have the capacity to receive intuitive messages, but as a result, different approaches are required to process the natural flow.
The different way everyone thinks or interprets information is worthy of further focused attention in appreciating intuition. The main point that is observably constant, is how every mind has a breaking point that is summarized in the thought, “I don’t understand.” Regardless of your mind, intelligence, personality or mindset this is where your mind shuts off and stops taking in new information.
Any good teacher knows this instant. This happens as a result of the mind becoming overwhelmed with the perception of to much new information, in essence it looses its connection to things or patterns that it recognizes and stops receiving. This shift happens in combination with many other factors. This is all relative to the acceptance of intuitive messages.
Opening to the intuitive is not the same as receiving new information, but the mind may interpret it as such. The mind may be uncertain of receiving such messages, as they come from someplace, the mind, doesn’t recognize. Nonetheless, intuitive messages are presented with the intent to inspire creation and expansion without being made mandatory. Again with animals, instinct is part of the programming, as humans have the choice to incorporate these intuitive messages as they originate.
The individual intuitive messages are easiest to access when your mind skips a beat in being in absolute control. For those wanting to create further alignment with intuitive messages, you need only allow yourself to be available to this aspect of Source. Intuitive messages aren’t a threat to you or your personal expression; they are in fact an expansion of it. This can not be emphasized enough.
In tuning into intuitive messages you will find, like dreams, they will interpret themselves. Intuitive messages are repetitive as a means to give you further detailed information. If you have enjoyed receiving repetitive intuitive messages appreciate that you have not yet fully comprehended the communication. If you’ve ever taken dictation, it is common for the speaker to repeat his or her self so that the exact words can be properly captured.
Intuitive messages can always be simplified but they are filled with detail. The more you ask the more you’ll know. As you open yourself to the design of the individual intuitive message you will see that it fits into a stream of connecting messages that offer greater cognizance. We welcome you to realize any and all the infinite parts of intuition.
To be intuitively minded is a poor phrase so we prefer intuitively inclined. To increase your intuitive awareness you are encouraged to sense that which is beyond your mind. Expanded thought as is also inaccurate in describing your openness to true intuition. In your desire to be more intuitively apt consider your spiritual self.
When you honor your spiritual being then understanding intuitive messages is easy. If you deny this aspect of your presence then intuitive messages will be interpreted by your mind. This means you could determine that there are no messages, or that there’s no real meaning to intuition, at best it’s a weird alert system whenever you’re in danger. In no disrespect to your choice, when you ignore your spiritual self, we think it’s funny.
Never would we laugh at your belief or choice, but we do find it humorous that you could strip the most integral component of who you are away. In seeing yourself as spiritual you use the vibrations of Source to get the picture of what is shown to you through the illumination of intuition. Intuition is an entry-level process of receiving from Source. Intuitive communication is another means of sharing.
Intuition is much more than getting directions about taking a job, moving or getting yourself out of a bad situation. We understand the nature of your being and this is why we continue to bombard you with intuitive messages that you might hear. Hear the inspired word of Light and all that is. For those of you who are listening, you know, and have experienced what we are sharing.
For intuition is a part of your construct. It is a part of the means in which you are enabled. To see. To really see the Universe, and its expansion.
For you to be intuitively abled you are encouraged to disable the senses that you are accustomed to using. We realize that you might think we are asking you to go against your bodied manifestation. This is clearly not the case, we are encouraging your going beyond it. This consideration and choice will take you there.
As you see intuitive messages let your mind be free of trying to categorize images into previously experienced patterns. Instead, stay open to the process and you will find that mind, through your putting it in a state of submission, will at one point understand the nature of what is presented. Often, this is interpreted as a moment of ecstasy or revelation as your mind suddenly sees. This is the process.
Intuition, in it’s simplest form, are spiritual messages of enlightenment. This means that you are free to use the information for your personal expansion and for all things surrounding you. The more you are intuitively inclined the more you will realize the enormity and amount of such messages. As you begin to fully digest such messages you will then continue to appreciate what we have shared in that intuitive messages do indeed connect with one another.
At this juncture, individual intuitive messages will not be seen as individual pictures or photographs. Instead, they will be appreciated as one picture fitting into a scene of others. Eventually, scenes will observed as an act, then an entire theme or story regarding something specific that we wish to share. Your participation in processing intuition is paramount in your continued expansion as a whole.
Imagine the chaos that would occur if animal instinct as a static message were suddenly removed from the animal kingdom. Even if this were done to one species, it would have a catastrophic effect both for the animal and the complete cycle of life. While this is but a tiny example, it does open a door to your understanding what happens when you deny the spiritual messages that are intuitive in nature. It impedes growth.
Naturally, as you are already aware, this is opposite of what we desire to encourage. Therefore, tuning into your intuition is both helpful to you, your expansion and prosperity and that those you share life with. This includes others within your species but it also affects the whole life cycle. This increase is desired.
It might interest you that certain people have developed their intuitive connection whereby tangible signs can be seen as a result. This is seen in bringing new ideas, art, inventions as it relates to things, which are the effect of the cause. This can also be seen by how animals and even nature, at large participates, in your connection to the intuitive.
Specifically, as one might open up to their individual intuition, animals will indeed sense this, via the static impression of instinct, and react quite positively to the energy. This is to say animals are programmed to know and interrelate to other animals that are deemed safe when this energy is emitted. If you are truly listening, then you know what we are saying that in receiving intuitive messages you are also enabled to send them. This shouldn’t surprise you, after all we’ve shared quite strongly that intuitive messages are not pictures but streams of information that are shared dynamically.
Imagine what you could do in the flow of such intuitive information on a regular basis? This question is intended to excite you in your desire to become more connected. As you become enlightened, your mind will follow along, but there may be many times that it can’t keep up. Again, this is why intuitive messages are often repeated.
As you tap into the unlimited stream of the intuitive it will no longer be seen as something that is undesired or of little value. Instead, it is quite likely it will be appreciated as the gift that it is. Please do understand that tapping in intuitively is again one of the simplest ways to access Source. There are indeed other means that are both faster and more comprehensive. It would be appropriate to state that channeling, as it might be referenced, is indeed another resource that connects one to Source on a much higher platform.
The basics of connecting to Source are the same, and this is why connecting intuitively or channeling share some common attributes. To be intuitive is to be at one with Source, intermittently as allowed by the recipient or to allow the full flow. Interestingly, there are many who might and do participate in aspects of the intuitive never to allow a greater connection. This is shared only as a point of observation.
For you to be intuitive is to be connected. As you are connected you are given knowledge that is clearly outside your mind. You may think you use your mind to receive it, but again this isn’t true. We do not deny that you may apply intuitive aspects to the physical using your mind and body and this is deeply encouraged. For again, such actions further develop yourself and society.
The process of the intuitively inclined is to know that there are things beyond your self. Beyond you mind. To tap into such inclinations and allow them to flow to you, and ultimately that you might transmit intuitive energy or even share the ideas with others. This is all a part of the desired flow.
We hope you enjoy your desire to become at one with intuition and that the individual message or the stream are indeed not in conflict with who you think you are. Instead, know that your intuition is a resource of the greatest kind that is dynamic and offers you understanding and opportunity that you can’t possibly fulfill physically in your lifetime. There is so much to share and we wish to offer you gratitude for your consideration to open further to this basic spiritual attribute. You are intuitive. Accept it and use it accordingly.
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