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After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that… “You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…”

Body & Soul (part 2)

Connecting with your body is a means to your SOUL.

How is your body affected by emotions?  Is there a correlation between what you think and how you feel?  Have you experienced empathy for another only to be confused of whose energy you’re feeling?  Join us as we have the opportunity to listen to the wisdom of a teacher of metaphysics, Pam Field of Inner Balance, who also teaches anatomy while being a registered nurse and massage therapist.

Recently a woman asked me, “Do you ever feel that your body is betraying you?”  It’s actually a great question.  It’s unfortunate that any of us would have to face body issues in a dramatic fashion, such as illness.  It’s a newer trend that we can become aware that we do not need to be reliant on external means of determining if we are healthy or not.  To do this, it requires that we become truly self aware of our bodies, but most certainly what our soul is trying to communicate using our emotions.

Loving your body is relevant to your spiritual growth and development.

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Episode 059 of True Connections with Weston Jolly

Transcription: Body and Soul (Part 2)


Weston: [00:00:44] Thank you, everybody, for joining me today. I have a very special guest and actually a beautiful friend of our family. How many years has it been?

Pam: …like eight or ten, at least -right?

Weston Jolly: [00:00:57] And I wanted to bring Pam to the podcast to talk about body and soul, because she has a lot of expertise in this area. Before we get to that, Pam, why don’t you tell us what you do?

Weston Jolly: [00:01:10] Well, I am a nurse, massage therapist, and I’ve been doing this for 35 years, which I developed this approach to massage and body work. And holistic  is interesting because holistic used to be mind, body and spirit. Right. But I’m kind of going more. The newest trend is multidimensional because it’s a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. But spiritual goes into intuition. It goes up to divine mind. It goes into so many other dimensions that each person has a body and a mind in each of those dimensions. And so the ideas how to use the physical body to have access to all of those other minds and actually have some language because they don’t share the same language.

Weston Jolly: [00:02:13] And people know that that’s extremely fascinating and you’re already into it. So the the whole reason for this podcast is to bring up one to a tighter awareness or a greater awareness to understand how our soul or our emotions and our body all literally integrate. Now, obviously, by the number of years that you’ve been doing this, one could say that you’re a front runner, meaning that you actually, as you described, innovated something that was brand new. Is that correct? Right. So can I ask what what inspired that?

Pam: [00:02:45] Well, since I was a nurse then I had children and I didn’t want to go back into the field of nursing. The way it was because I wanted to actually reach people in the allopathic tends to be wishes. Lyrical medical field tends to have very strict rules and stuff. And so and I always like to massage as a child. And I did massage on people. And so I thought then I saw this other nurse was 70 years old and still massaging of that. That’s what I wanted, really. And so that’s what I went about doing. Now, there is, you know, many times it’s 35 years. Massage has not been in any. There was at that time. There’s only two schools in the whole nation. Right. Massage. And so it wasn’t. And it had a wonky, retie reputation. So, I mean, the industry or the industry, it was associated with other kinds of massage. Right. Right. Right. So but I wanted it to go into more health and prevention because allopathic isn’t prevention waste wasthere sick and then that fixes you. So I was more interested in keeping people healthy. So there big three paradigm shifts in medicine. One was, were you the doctor came to you horse and buggy. The second one came, you go to the doctor and they take care of you and they just do stuff to you. And you just trust that there’s a third paradigm shift that has happened and nobody really knows it. Is it. Nobody’s taking care of you. You’re in charge of you. And nobody has trained you to take care of yourself.

Weston Jolly: [00:04:30] Man, we’re in a right place because this is exactly what I want to talk about, because I think a lot of people are struggling, trying to understand what their body is, quote, telling them. And they are kind of aware. I mean, there’s some more and it’s going on, but not necessarily the kind that perhaps you and I and others are. Well, we’re looking for we’re helping others to create that awareness. But I thought this that even you, Pam, talking about how you came to know this. I mean, obviously, this is all in onceand self-taught to the point that you’re actually teaching others. And we should talk about that because you’re you’re a teacher, too, right.

Weston Jolly: [00:05:06] And in one of those schools that you mentioned that are teach massage to the nation, you actually teach there. Right. So it’s an important I think that Pam has interestingly enough. But I will call a medical background teaching anatomy and other kinds of very normal subjects. And then talk to us a little bit about myofascial energy.

Pam: [00:05:31] What is this energetic massage? Thank you. There’s been different people, especially physical therapist with my myofascial release. Mine. Mine is actually I’d advanced it a little bit more as more connective tissue. I discovered that different techniques of massage were only different parts, unlike my own therapies. Muscle. Swedish tends to be circulatory. So I realize it when you touch the body, you work on different layers and different layers of skin, superficial fascia, fashion, myofascial joint capsule, all of those are have the quality of connective tissue and connective tissue. Is something else stuck if it’s injured? OK. And so what happens is the energy part was I have a theory of energy that we’re all energy switch, which means when we’re just thicker energy in the physical, the thicker we get more done to me. And but everything all those other dimensions are just different frequencies of energy. OK. So the idea that each of those layers of the body have a different frequency to which means would take a different approach to move it in anything that an energetic gets thicker or slower or more likely in the physical will cause a disease or discomfort. OK. So the idea of energy release is our energy movement is life. If you have if anything, the energy that’s moving means life. When things stop, then it’s not alive. And so that’s even even in rocks have a slight movement. So their move, they have energy and they move or they actually stick together and stay as an energetic thing when they crumble into ash and or dirt. Then we’ve, Lou, lost some connection or attraction. So even the whole theory, quantum physics, physics, physics of energy is that I wanted to promote life, which is energy. So it’s easier to teach people about how each of these different things can cause if it gets stuck and how we can keep it moving.

Weston Jolly: [00:07:57] We’ll talk to me about that. I have an inside track to that top. Talk to us more about how you help the people that you help to create awareness that maybe something stuck to begin with and how to begin to move on moving again. Specific to the physical levels which you talked about and are there spiritual levels or frequencies, too, that you are tapping into or helping others in terms of their clearing?

Pam: [00:08:24] So I started massaging people to make them feel good. Good. So then I found out somewhere on the 70s and 80s they had you know, these are where things start opening up in our culture is the mind body. So I thought, oh, how you think and feel can cause problems in your physical. So I started teaching mind body stuff. And that was, you know, how your emotions can get stuck and how you think, you know, you have this thought form that goes through an anxiety and worry and fear starts doing stuff. Then I found out. Wow. What you believe affects how you think and feel. So I said, wow, I’ll have to do is help people change their belief system.

Weston Jolly: [00:09:11] How did that work?

Pam: [00:09:12] I went back to massaging people and I can feel good because I still teach just to increase awareness that how you think and feel and what you believe actually conflicts physicality. Sure. And so and then there come and help a path that even M.D. or coming to the realization, some of them, not all of them, that how you think and feel can and believe can cause your body like auto immune diseases. They’re starting to see that if you don’t feel really good about yourself for a long period of time, you actually can start attacking your self. Your body gives up and it says, no, that’s it. We’re gonna. And it starts collapsing into it. So the idea is how to get people to release.

Weston Jolly: [00:09:57] I recently published a podcast that was about the body and how we actually hold sometimes our family secrets in the body and we don’t know it. And we’re holding onto it like we should because this is what it takes to be, you know, a dollar in terms of my last name. And we hold onto it and then we walk into something like you and you lovingly and politely and tenderly, said the Gino, when you’ll bring that to a state of awareness. But what would you say about that as a thought?

Pam: [00:10:29] Well, yes, I was. I tell some females that we actually have …. It doesn’t mean that it happens to you. We carry female trauma. Sure. In all, you know, so. As a culture where enculturated in families in society, all of those we carry with us in it can become things that we attack ourselves for or get stuck in us. So the idea is freedom. We want to have give people freedom to control their own life. Right. And if they can possibly figure out that they’ve got the mos, their stuff wrapped around the axle and they can undo their own trauma and address that and understand it as a learning and growth tool as opposed to just saying, oh, this thing happened to me or my family had this happen is if you can embrace it and accept it and say, well, yeah, I learned a lot from that. Right. And I’m willing to let go of some of the trauma they actually have done. Trauma psychology the last 20 years. It’s the newest thing with dorsal vagus nerve and freeze and post-traumatic stress disorder and all of that because the medicine didn’t work for them. They actually needed dive in to what made the stress so stressful and says my job is in about stress reduction solutions.

Pam: [00:12:03] The idea was stress was one of the things. Why did the stress reduction. And I learned from a book I just recently read where when the body says no. And this is the auto immune disease. Is that stress? The name stress was not there before 1970. Really. It was named by Hans Salay. And he developed a whole theory about stress response. And the stress was like in machine or, you know, buildings in mechanical stress. Sure. But there was an a stress that your body was stressful until that time where somebody named it and said, by the way, your autonomic nervous system, it was fight or flight, not stress response. Right. He renamed dad or kind of said that. And then they started seeing that people with certain personality traits, type A personality would have more heart condition, you know. So that’s how they started looking at stress as a problem. Now then it got to 75 to 80 percent of all diseases have a stress component either causing it or having it after what the disease causes stress. And then on top of that, whatever stress does to you, it can affect the other organs you have.

Weston Jolly: [00:13:22] So which you’ve said basically is that it used to be that we had this generic word, stress, kind of a catch all phrase. And it sounds like we’re becoming more aware, even quantitatively, to be able to dial down to where these stresses are being held within the body. Right. And how it’s affecting us. And you said a moment ago that this has anything to do with what we think and need more believe.

Pam: [00:13:46] Everybody’s individually wrapped. So some people can have a death in the family and have it lodged. Durai, this one woman, how her husband died and she was they owned a zenith, which is a TV. A long time ago first. And they had a shop. And she when he died, he she didn’t really grieve him until she sold the shop 20 years later. And then she really had a problem. And that she had moved her grief in to it, moved it.

Pam: [00:14:24] And then she was still back row and she had to do it. And that when I was a young child, because seeing is like 40, 50 years ago, that I kind of go like, wow, that was weird. How does she is so upset? I mean, she had you know, so that was and this is just building on.

Pam: [00:14:47] All the people are starting to come to a critical mass. Things happen and people start looking and going like all. Now we have a mind body theory, but we have some tendencies, you know, just for like functionality, like we even say it. Somebody is a pain in the neck, in the pain.

Pam: [00:15:06] But for all of those are areas that would be anger. So neck, well, neck and which is jaw, which is we the three things that you do with anger, which is tell somebody off, hit them or kick them or illegal assault and slander. So usually people jam that and say, how are you? I’m fine. I’m just a. For they flinch, you know, like, you know, somebody says something. So we end up with more and more tension in that area, which pushes depression and blood vessels and nerves. And that causes ache in the garlic white. Sake. Why does this ache and so they what’s happening in your life? When did this start? And if I can look at that, get them to say, you know, well, it’s you. If they can give me like, well, right after such and such things, I don’t know. But was wait for the. But did they go. They know. They know as if this isn’t the accident and then they have caught. Eye and you can tell the building of story. Sure. My listening. They need to hear. They need to say it. And they need it. Then I kind of point out like, you know you just said this, right? Because a lot of times talk therapy is it allows people to actually listen to themselves. And then they change and they know that’s not what I meant. And then they change. And so that’s how they clearer through it’s talk therapy.

Pam: [00:16:37] So this is the same idea. I don’t. I’m not a psychogy counselor, but it happens to be similar. Some people say, well, I like this. I get a massage and then I get to talk. Why would I bother me? And I like. But as I use an education, more self education for the person to the person heals themselves. And so I’m just a facilitator of that.

Weston Jolly: [00:17:00] But this is the new paradigm shift or that we’re just preaching that she said a moment ago that we’re becoming, shall we say, accountable for this. That’s right.

Pam: [00:17:09] But people don’t know and nobody really knows. And it’s kind of like Larry Dossey is the one that said he’s an M.D. and said that there’s these paradigm shifts, but it’s kind of like what’s happened. For example, we used to have a doctor take care of us and they were okay with that and they’re fine as long as I could do anything, you know. But when we start suing them, they go, I don’t wanna be in charge. Insurance companies won’t let them do what they want to do to completely rule out things. And so they go on and take care of you. And the insurance company doesn’t want you to take share. Then is kind of put it back on to the person to take control. But nobody is told. You always taught. Even medicine doesn’t teach you to go.

Pam: [00:17:55] So the problem with that is that in order to you have to have some in-between person to actually say, yes, you’re in charge. I can prove that it’s changed. If you have a have a commercial that asks you to ask your doctor if you need an anti-psychotic medicine on top of my antidepressants.

Pam: [00:18:23] You would hope the doctor would know if you need an anti-psychotic medicine, right. Without you asking, because how do you know if you’re crazy? So this is where and this is you can just look at our own commercials like they like it’s metal sort of. It gives you projectile diarrhea. Oh, yeah. I want that right. I ask for that. So the idea is you’re in charge and the doctors will say, well, this is what’s wrong with you and this is all we can do about what you want to do. You know, what do you mean what do you want to do so far?

Weston Jolly: [00:18:55] But this is something I think a lot of people have a difficulty with. Even in the physical realm, because we go to a doctor trying to explain what are a quote unquote issue is most of the time, I’m not trying to be disrespectful of the whole industry, but a lot of times you’re not necessarily listening or listening to pieces and parts.

Pam: [00:19:11] You’re supposed to see six people in an hour for the insurance companies to accept them while they have five minutes to make a determination to turn.

Weston Jolly: [00:19:20] So even in coming to you, you know, I may or may not be conscious of something I’m dealing with. So by what means do you become aware so that you can help me to become more?

Pam: [00:19:31] Well, I was thinking about this. What brought me to this area? And it’s because I feel when other people feel so, I’m in an empathic person.

Weston Jolly: [00:19:44] The least so.

Pam: [00:19:46] And I had throughout all of my life had this weirdness that I could tell things.

Weston Jolly: [00:19:53] Can we go there a minute? Can you share with us? Because you truly are empathic and a lot of people listening are as well. And a lot of people have really, really struggled with that. That’s something that you’ve struggled with in terms of growing up.

Pam: [00:20:06] Yeah. Manoa, my mom used to say. You’re too you’re too sensitive. Like, well, I’m fine.

Pam: [00:20:19] Why didn’t say that? Because that would be sassy.

Pam: [00:20:21] So that’s unless it’s an energy to those words. All right. It’s you literally feeling and energy.

Pam: [00:20:28] And I can feel what other people feel. Right. So I did figure out and then when I’ve read all kinds of books on empathy, late or empathic lately, you know, last 10 years or it’s got clearer. Clear and there’s some really good people that teach in Path’s how to how to handle that kind of function and how to. Yeah. Otherwise you go like. Right. Right. Which is one of the reasons why it’s it’s harder to teach this. It’s gotta be it’s almost a gift. And so the people that are gifted have to really go and do this work as opposed to trying to teach people who are not in path make sure how to do it because they don’t how they look at you like. Well.

Weston Jolly: [00:21:11] Well, that makes sense. And I think that’s that’s fair. That that there’s a certain truth, a skill set before someone would come to you from a student perspective. And I know that you do teach in that way very strongly to help people become aware and oftentimes not just through physical touch.

Pam: [00:21:27] Like, can you feel this? And the student is actually touching that and they’re still not necessarily feeling feeling beginning to see the whole message. And you’re really helping them to do that. And of course, I’m doing that for from maybe a little bit of a different angle, but pretty much the same kind of thing. And I have a great deal of empathy. And I had a real challenge with my own self and being male to to try and incorporate that. Now, I’m not saying that it’s harder for a male at some point, but the the real connected part to becoming aware that our empathy isn’t something of a liability. I think a lot of people get stuck with that and they think that they have to take on all these things as society and it becomes a burden and becomes heavy. And this is the whole point. We don’t need to be limited or constrained. And I know that your your business is booked up, which is wonderful. But at the same time, it’s it’s cool that other people become aware of how to take, shall we say, awareness, turn out until accountability and then choose a creative plan so that they can use these gifts, as you described it, as a means to take them happily forward.

Pam: [00:22:30] Well, I had my my Reiki master teacher in Kansas City. He says there’s people that can do different. Can read different things. There’s people that can read cosmically, you know, like the different seasons, the moons, the, you know, cosmic astrology kind of stuff. There are people that can read the earth, you know, like there’s going to be an earthquake. Some people can do it one on one can work one on one. And some people can work in groups. He says you can do all of this as what good is it?

Pam: [00:23:07] What good is it? I don’t know what to do with it. If I can tell it is a earthquake. Who do I tell? Right. I don’t know where it is. So you actually have to train yourself to know what you’re you know, first of all, know that you’re picking something up. I feel weird. What is that? Is it something I can do something about? You know, I can’t call California, say watch out for the earthquake.

Weston Jolly: [00:23:33] Does this happen to you in different parts of your geographic body? Meaning that the whole body at large? Or is it pieces of pick?

Pam: [00:23:40] You know, sometimes you can get a stomach ache or something. I had one gal I went was going on at her house at that time and I had a really bad stomach. And I don’t usually didn’t have the stomach. It sounds right. So there and sheltering the massage, I go like, do you a stomach issue? Yes. Really? And so we finished. I didn’t have to make it. She didn’t have a stomach. I said, I don’t want to do this. Whoever I’m talking to, my own self is like, I don’t want to live that kind of physicality, empathy, because there’s different kinds of empathy, physical empathy, emotional empathy, mental empathy, spiritual empathy. So it’s even in that category is like no physical. I don’t wanna do that.

[00:24:27] It’s interesting for myself. I literally have all four of those parts connected. I talked about actually, sir, that are going to be with me. And she asked me very clearly, what do I do if I pick up on something that isn’t mine and out of my clairsentience? And I spend quite a bit time consciously making sure that I get clear so I can be balanced for myself. And sometimes it can take a little bit of work to get myself clear because I’m not sure was paying attention. Most of the time I am. But it happens and and it’s not a liability. It must be what I want to drop-down as it isn’t. It’s it’s really a series of guests and it’s beautiful to have them. And sometimes as admin, none of us understands that the people that do things is kind of neat. And that’s that’s nice. But I know that you, Pam, have not just a empathetic gift or two, but rather many. But if you feel something from someone else, what do you do? Is that a message that you convey or is that something that you allow within your body or is something that you said a moment or that you don’t allow?

Pam: [00:25:31] Well, for me, I see. Is it mine or is it. You’re right. So I kind of own my mental body. I go everybody behind the door and that’s my stuff. Get behind the door. We’ll talk about it later. Everybody, I have a belief systems in this or the belief system that who I am with is most important at this moment where we’re there. So I clear me out so that I can actually feel if there is something information. The problem is, is sometimes I get information like like.

Pam: [00:26:05] I might not be. I have to see where they are and their belief system and whether they would accept me saying, you know, have you seen a doctor lately or you know, or how have you?

Pam: [00:26:16] Do you know that this is here? There’s some kind of blockage here. First of all, they would accept that I do that. Right. So that’s where sometimes I allow you know, I kind of like sort that somewhere, too, like I call it triaging where I actually treat as a body.

Pam: [00:26:32] And then I will also talk to the person’s higher self to ensure that I have permission to share something that I know that I want to shock anybody, but I want to project that something’s wrong with someone that’s on my place, probably more than yours.

Weston Jolly: [00:26:46] But if someone’s wanting to become aware and how to take that awareness into a state of balance. Well, I’m all about that as you are.

Pam: [00:26:54] Yeah, well that because I’ve had some students that I would say stuff and they got mad at me because they don’t tell me I have.

Pam: [00:27:03] I don’t that I going you will. I was hoping that, you know, because. And or they come back two years later. You know, you were saying I had that. It’s like, yeah. Okay. Yes. Okay. I reached out. You I have to be careful of students because I don’t want to give them something earlier. Right. Where I kind of wanted to like prevent cause if, you know, bringing to awareness, some things might actually prevent them from having stuff. And that’s where the desire to. Say it in such a way that is not theirs, not threatening. Is there something they can control and they can work on and let go and more as an observer?

Weston Jolly: [00:27:54] Right. Right. Yeah. So we’re not injecting, quote, our belief system, right. Somebody but rather just observing that there’s a possibility or sometimes that presented it as an option. So it doesn’t sound like I’m telling somebody what to do. Right. Or other saying that, bad or not. Yeah. I think giving consideration to this and then when that opens up further further permission than I can. Sure. Pretty. Exactly. So wants that information. Yeah. It’s it’s kind of exciting. Do you do find, Pam, that there’s patterns today in terms of people’s bodies, meaning they’re different trackers that we know that you’re dealing with more often than others? Sacral versus hard versus crown? Or is it just literally a smorgasbord?

Pam: [00:28:42] It’s always individually wrapped. As I say, we do have or we’re taking your head because anything is a culture where a lot of people are highly emotional about things that we’re starting to see. I’m starting to see people very interestingly hit with their physicality because of their emotional body.

Weston Jolly: [00:29:07] Do you think that today people are more sensitive than they were three years ago? Meaning is there an increased sensitivity as a whole?

Pam: [00:29:15] I think we are. A lot of literary satirical literature as they’re going through a shift during the first of all, we have to raise or vibration to do this shift. And I didn’t know that we actually had a lower I have to do a shift, too. So that’s gone about be a bouncy ride if you’re going to. So that’s the same thing as going from mind body 7, 30, 50 years ago or 40 years ago is that it keeps new information keeps coming up and it happens to be more or more fun because it accepts some of the information is oft off the wall for normal people. You know, you start talking about weird stuff, then paranormal stuff or science fiction. I used to I used to say it is not science fiction, it’s science future facts, because our funds are just like, you know, Star Trek.

Pam: [00:30:11] I’m waiting for the transporter. That’s just me. But the I. And I’d like that tricorder. That’s what I really. And so we kind of I kind of do the tricorder thing. But the thing about empath versus psychic here is, is that you get a clear like download like that. An empath is a gradually gets to it’s a role.

Weston Jolly: [00:30:34] Interesting.

Pam: [00:30:37] Now, I didn’t categorize that way because I actually do get that back. I got a hit so I can tell you the middle of the dartboard to the sentence and to the age that the person had the event without them having to tell me. But to be honest, I would try to work with everybody so that they will collaborate with papers on me projecting upon them. But that has tremendous value because if good to remember that. But if someone does remember from zero to 13 because of Exadata. Yes, then I will show it’s a pride and put up some mileposts to say, does this something that you recall? And that’s tremendously helpful. But then again, back to the connection to the body. A lot of people really aren’t aware of what’s going on. And I’ve made this analogy and I think you can appreciate it, that most people aren’t having awareness within their body before they have a meal. They’re not aware of how they’re feeling, what they eat. And we’ll go 30 minutes after an hour after the meal. They’re still not aware beyond, you know, I thought McDonald’s was something I wanted to have. I hate McDonald’s and maybe I don’t feel as good as I could, but I feel more energy than I did before. So that was good enough. And I’m not saying that, you know, devaluing that particular food group, but rather honoring that we we have the capacity to do a lot better than them by just putting focus attention there.

Pam: [00:31:58] They have a new word. See, they’ve been doing a lot of work on this. It’s called contraception, which means the ability to go within your body and feel things within your body and understand things. And so they now and trauma psychology are going into the idea that you can actually feel things in your body and you can feel energy flows in your body. You can feel the traumas and just opening up that idea. Susan’s ideas and awareness, a lot of people go like, oh, oh, so what that could be. You know, I had that weird in. And so don’t be silly. I had this feeling when you you had why one person that I have a headache. I don’t think it’s. You know, it’s like, yeah. So the same thing is like when you do that, it it it makes my left foot itch like, OK. Now we get we have some pathways that are part of the energy flow of stuff. And so that’s.

Weston Jolly: [00:32:56] So can you actually feel energy as it is supposed to go through a given body or body part?

Pam: [00:33:02] Is that something? Well, I am science based, too, right? The fact that energy flows like a physical. So if people are colder and hotter in spots. Right. Exactly right. Something’s not flowing. Right. Usually it’s circulatory, but it could be lymphatic. Makes people more cooler cause they’ve got more water.

Pam: [00:33:21] Sure. That’s colder. Right. So then if I can get that to move. The thing is, is in energy work. I’m at Reiki master. So it tends to be more with the Entrekin organs. OK. So it tends to be more magnetic, which is water ish. So if your hands heat up and and cool down, you’re running magnetic energy. If you if it’s buzzi and electrical is electrical. So your skeletal system, your nervous system, your fossile system runs electrical. And so it helps if you can know when you’re run, if you well, you don’t need to know. You just have to know that your hands doing something like, why is your hands hot? Must be some clearing of magnetic and magnetic energy, which would be water. Sure. So then if it’s buzzi, you know it’s sharp then. Right. We’re doing electrical or skeletal or joint. So being aware of that doesn’t assume you mean. Well it is. If you’re more aware of it, you do more of it.

Pam: [00:34:28] Well, know, I think awareness obviously is key. And I think, to be honest, you probably have always been doing it. I can say it that way.

Pam: [00:34:38] Then your awareness is catapulted you to use that awareness to even be more acute in helping facilitating others. You know, obviously teaching it as well. But I think a lot of people. My point was I think a lot of people are aware that they’re wanting to be aware and mean they’re screaming to be word. How do I become aware of something that will say I know their own body and they may be asking themselves the question, well, “Why don’t I know in the same way that you might work on my body?” So why doesn’t Western know? And sometimes I do. And sometimes I don’t know why.

Pam: [00:35:08] They don’t want to have fear of not know what whatever it is. It might be scary. It might be something wrong. It might gonna kill me. So people block things because that’s the blockage of energy through emotional stuff. But we’re time.

Weston Jolly: [00:35:25] What beliefs are we talking about? Something deeper.

Pam: [00:35:30] Beliefs and thoughts, thoughts as the thoughts is just the belief in motion, you know.

Weston Jolly: [00:35:37] Exactly. You mean that’s that. I may not want to know this because I think that it might hurt me or be disruptive to my relationship or to something.

Pam: [00:35:48] It might mean something more than I don’t want it to me.

Pam: [00:35:50] Right. And I think that makes a lot of sense. And people avoid that like the plague, because you have to change anything.

Pam: [00:35:56] That’s another thing. Why people don’t want it. What do you mean? Do I? What do you think now? Probably change something. But it is just a thought. To change it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to change your life. Eventually we are thoughts will change you. Changes your life. Sure. So it’s like. But you don’t want to go in with that idea that you have to change everything.

Weston Jolly: [00:36:22] Would you agree that it’s our souls desire to express ourselves in this physical room with our bodies? Yes. OK. Then would you also appreciate our based upon the last segment that we want to change?

Pam: [00:36:39] So does it doesn’t mean that you’re on track with your soul.

Weston Jolly: [00:36:44] I’m with you. But that’s part of what I like about it. To. To have that soul, shall we say, give it the tarmac to really take off the Lear jet, to do what it’s come here to do in our embodiment without having to panic that we’re gonna die. I mean, it could, I guess, but it could do that walking across the street, but getting aligned in that way energetically in terms of the flow physically and is especially psychically and otherwise. There’s something magical about that. Not not just kind of magical. It’s really, really beautiful to realize. Finally, I’m in the groove and I’m doing what I came here to, quote unquote, do.

Pam: [00:37:22] So there’s there’s some theories here. Yeah. Is that the physical? Third dimension, third rock from the sun is on the third chakra, which is control for people like control.

Weston Jolly: [00:37:35] Where is the third chakra? The solar plexus. I just wanna get that cleared up.

Pam: [00:37:44] So the problem with it based on that is also based on survival, because the we have an animal body, our physical is an animal body which is based on survival. Sure. So in the physical plane is survival. So we’re here we come into the physical. If this is a cosmology, by the way, is a piece of I call it piece of God that wanted experience, not knowing stuff that you actually got into the body.

Weston Jolly: [00:38:13] This is a place that you have to get that, you know, stuff.

Pam: [00:38:17] Right. So you have to be in forget. for I called the forget. gene. And so you come in, you’re like, what is this? Who am I? What am I about? Right. So for about 30 years, you’re developing a personality and an ego in order to stay in the body. So then around supposedly some of the theories and I read books to actually collaborate. Why? One book says to another box that I sure don’t or not. You know, so I have backup. And that’s the research part is that around 30 or 35 is when you start, your soul goes nice that she made that personality. .

Pam: [00:39:04] So that is like midlife crisis. If you look at that and you’re like, oh, I got all my you know, I went down to school and I got all my education. And now I don’t like that anymore. I’m in a relationship for 20, 15 years. And now I. Something’s happening. And so this is where the fear is like of what did you get in me to? It’d be better if we could actually. And my kind of when I look back, I did all these things through my life and had some interesting experiences of my life. And I realized that my soul was doing that the whole time. Right. And that when I recognized what my soul’s doing, I’m right back in feeling. Yes. This is just like this whole business that I’m in. It was something that didn’t wasn’t there for, but it was wanting to be here. Right. My soul wanted this to be here for all these people and and to help people. And the drive behind that was so strong. But it didn’t fit anywhere. It didn’t fit in the nursing. You know, the traditional nursing.

Weston Jolly: [00:40:16] Welcome to the side of the universe where you don’t have to categorize what you’re doing. This is not.

Pam: [00:40:23] And but people like it. Right. You know, you find out like you like it and then other people like it. And only people are like minded. Like it’s led you get rid of the people that don’t like it so that you don’t respect it no matter what you like.

Pam: [00:40:35] I don’t care what I can do this now because I really like that way.

Pam: [00:40:39] You do. So it’s like it fits. It can see work. So that’s where understanding that your soul, if you can recognize that your soul was there a whole time, you know, plodding out little weird things and watching and stuff to be able to blossom when it can.

Weston Jolly: [00:40:59] That’s so cool because I see that a lot. I saw that very quickly with my own self. I called a mile markers or, you know, the little things we have inside the road to determine how far we have to go to Flagstaff or Sedona to look backwards and says, boy, that I was showing myself the whole time like Hansel and Gretel crumbs to who I am when I’m here to do. And it really helped heal, helped me to remove my anxiety or fear, to say, hey, there’s a bigger planning going on. I’m obviously leaving this this thing.

Pam: [00:41:32] So get out of the way and let myself express further, get rid of guilt cause, you know, look like you went off the road there. Right. But you really weren’t. There was a thing that you had to go pick up off the road. Right. And you gave a bigger, stronger understanding.

Weston Jolly: [00:41:49] Pam, I have insight that you read. Give us an idea how many books a week?

Pam: [00:41:55] I usually have three books going. You have an energy book? I usually have a technique. And a lot of the books I have, I don’t read completely their references. And so when I have them, look up at them. I have studies show them the books are pulled together at the right time, at the right. And I trust that my soul or my neurotic universe or whatever is doing that, because I’ll study and like, wow, I read this book before, but I never saw that. So I was trying to think in terms of how many books say we can do based on how Amazon charges you, I and I look at how many times I look at Amazon as to searching for books that are interesting to me.

Pam: [00:42:46] And then I learned this new book, New Name, and I can’t remember the name. It’s some kind of Japanese name for people who will buy books, even though they’re not going to read them, just for fear that you’re going to miss some information.

Pam: [00:42:59] They’re missing out only in that respect.

Pam: [00:43:01] I can of the I went, oh, no, there’s a word for that, because it isn’t like I read I read a lot of books. Right. But I don’t read all of them all the time.

Weston Jolly: [00:43:13] So give me an idea. Give us an idea about how many, let’s say annually.

Pam: [00:43:20] I had to go back to the weekly. So I have three going. Like. Yeah. OK. And then at any given time, then I finish a book, get a new one. Right. Finish. So it’s like three going.

Pam: [00:43:33] But there’s a reason for this. No, no, no. I’m serious. What would tell me or I’ll help. What’s what’s the reason that you find the desire. This and by the way, we should understand the kinds of books, pens, reading aren’t 8th grade novels.

Pam: [00:43:49] I have some of those. No, let’s just study.

Weston Jolly: [00:43:52] Some of these things are really, really deep. And that fits based upon some of your medical background, certainly your intellectual abilities. But you’re really reading some things that most people, even in the profession of the profession, may or may not be reading. And I find that fascinating as another intellectual of sorts. But you’re doing something with that. And I’m interested in why.

Pam: [00:44:14] Yeah, this is a social thing. I’ve kind of discovered lately about social drive for truth. And also, my soul wants to merge with other people and help them find their truth. Right.

Pam: [00:44:31] So in order to do that, in order to do that, I have to actually have resources. You know, if I say something, they go, where’d you get that? You know, so that gives them another place to go in care instead of me being the answer person. So I want them to start their own quest.

Weston Jolly: [00:44:52] So but you’re now telling me,that you are using this information to confirm the physical confirmation.

Pam: [00:44:59] This is the scientific side. OK. So and it sounds like. And I think I’m right with this. That the scientific side is kind of catching up. Maybe a little bit in some of these departments. So we can actually point to a study or these books or these points of reference so that someone that maybe didn’t have a physical understanding can now, even without the will, will remove the will and to say, hey, there’s something going on here and people began to measure it. I think it’s fascinating, though, that you are have that unique balance, because I seem to have that interest, too, to being extremely spiritual. And there’s a part of me that loves to have the physical confirmation. And so I, like you, are in different departments reading, you know, physics and quantum physics and things like that. Not because I’m trying to have a doctorate, only to see different pieces that I can use as a confirmation to point to someone else beyond my own self. So it doesn’t appear like I’m making something up, which is important, I think, for some people along the process. Nationally, we don’t have to use it, but I think it’s thing that you’re actually so skilled in that department, meaning you’re you’re not just a casual reader about that was within an industry. You’re very much in solich, you’re in certain industries. We have continuing education credits and you know, you’re you you pass it up. And three hours of the first week, I mean, you know, you really consume a lot of information.

Pam: [00:46:22] It’s sort of like a study. It’s like something’s thrown out. And then I look, for example, myofascial and with trauma and where things are stored and the energy all are coming together. And because they mention each other and all these to these groups, I go like that. So I see patterns in the future of what? And then I see things coming towards me that would back that up. And as it’s also to teach and to if people ask me, you know, where do you get that information? And they. They could go there if they wanted to. They don’t have times of, well, this book look at this book. And I know this life. And they kind of go like this is war room specific is like this. We’re talking about energy. Do you really want to know where a person came in? And then she says she’s so tired. Is it just because of her age and everything? I says, well, I have this book called Charge, which is really cool. It’s saying energy is a charge. And you can either ramp up the charge or decree or disperse the charge, which is a really cool way of understanding energy. And it’s a really cool book to how to harvest your own energy. If you’re too anxious or something, you could actually, ah, harvest that and hold it for later. That’s all a new idea.

Weston Jolly: [00:47:49] I see all that’s a best case a day of me. And I actually study a lot of that even from a physical perspective. But that which you described as a battery.

Pam: [00:47:56] So what we’re doing is charging the battery so we can use that amount of time if you’re freezing out with an air of anxiety and fear of discharging, but you don’t have anything later, you’re just all pooped because you’re discharged. But you didn’t you could actually. Ha. She gives this idea that you can actually harvest that energy for later.

Pam: [00:48:19] Which is a real fascinating idea for people who are chronically tired or being anxious and worried, and when you’re working with somebody, do you find that you get tired on an individual that you work with? Or how do you stay shows he charges your own.

Pam: [00:48:35] And it’s the belief system of leaving one person washing my hands. And to do it eventually, by the end of the day, it’s like, oh, and the. And I find that and I’m still working on that cause we’re always working pregnant. Sure. Is that teaching? I have to actually merge with each student to see if they are mentally tracking with me. Right? Right. And then if I do massage teaching, which I do, I put my hands on their hands and I’m seeing what they’re doing. And so now I realize that that’s what I’ve been doing. I merge with people. And then separate from them, that’s what I’ve learned. But I have to also process it like at the end of a class that I have. Sixteen, twenty students or it there’s a time when I don’t talk. My I come home and my husband goes, are you okay? I can talk. I have to process. And I kind of figure out where I’m processing each person. I kind of like go through each person and see if I’m complete with that.

Weston Jolly: [00:49:39] What we did and what accomplish, just really interesting because I absolutely do that individually. I do that a lot remotely in group form as well. So I can feel an audience before I arrive. I can feel what’s happening and what someone’s going to stand up. But I guess sometimes you can even tell you the person that’s going to ask me the question that they do. And it’s fun. And at the same time, sometimes for me, it can be hard to get to sleep because I’m so, you know, charge up with all this energy. And it’s it’s a cool thing. It’s I guess in one sense, it’s like I’m playing guitar on stage and being really into your your gift. And I do think of it that way. But at the same time, I’m trying to kind of calm down because I need to go to sleep for the night. Then there’s things that I do, too, to stay open to the process so that I’m recharging as much as I’m continuing to.

Pam: [00:50:29] It is difficult. Well, and the empath part of it is it. I don’t give that bright light. That’s it. That’s that. I kind of gets growing. And also I’m like, oh, that’s what happened during the class.

Pam: [00:50:41] Sure. So I don’t get is I’m like on a time lag. So I’m going something is clearing. I don’t exactly know what that is.

Weston Jolly: [00:50:50] I mean, I understand my type personally would not allow it.

Pam: [00:50:54] So it has to be now or we’re not going to. We’re not going to deal with it. So that’s a difference in heaviness like it is to have patience. I’m still learning that part. So when is that coming at me with the feeling when you go to teach somebody to feel energy?

Weston Jolly: [00:51:15] And I’m speaking of more of the esoteric energy, because I think personally it would be easier to teach someone the hot and cold. I think that would be easier and possibly easier. But I’ve done this energetically lots of times. Somebody put their hand hovering above my hand to see if they can feel my energy. Someone who’s more aware in whatever ways didn’t how to read through that. That part of our bodies, they can feel it pretty quickly. And others may take them on. And I can do it without again having to procreate the exercise of putting up my hand. But it creates a focused attention for the moment. And at one point they can say, oh, I think I felt something and they could be hot or cold, which I’m hoping that they might become more. And then ultimately, they don’t need me to, shall we say, jump start them to feel that. How do you help others? And becoming aware of how this energy flows and what’s a desired energy. Think of it like a river versus is only trickling in. We don’t we don’t have enough flow. Or maybe it’s not flowing. I’ll use the term healthy enough. It’s it’s not a very nice electrical flow.

Pam: [00:52:22] Well, it’s difficult. And that’s part of me going like with students. It’s I usually tell them a lot of information that they’re going to get in a couple years. And that’s where I download. And they get really scared. Like what? Sure. And I say, no, you’re going in. You’re going to want this because I know they can’t get it cause they’re at different levels. Right. Some are really you know, I’ve got a few that are like. Right. But they have done stuff in their work, you know, because it’s it’s kind of hard to see their work, their own personal and personal growth and awareness and openness. Sure. Sure. Whereas they have the closed ones. And we’re just gonna do this. We’re just gonna do that and write me a sequence. Give me something to do. A process like. But massage in itself is an art form for me. And it’s a relationship. So you can’t there isn’t there is some sequencing so that you just don’t forget to cover all the bases so that people get touched all over it legally. Right. But but then you have to be able to know where to go, what needs what’s constricted, what’s not constricted.

Pam: [00:53:34] That’s more is you you can I can at least try and get people who say, this is not me. This is stuck. I feel this still. It has to be physical. This isn’t moving. You feel this way, feel the other leg. Is that. That’s the kind of thing. So I have to start with physical, and that’s why I always use body and massage as a physical tool portal. Okay. To the other things as well. And then they watch me and I say, well.

Pam: [00:54:06] This is this is not movie. This is not moving and this man on the skeletal system. This happened in a class and I go. Did you fall out of a tree? Yes. And the rest is the rest. The class went, how I like. I don’t know. I just I just went with it. It feels like it went bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. Like you fell out of a tree.

Pam: [00:54:29] But not really, because I can say it this way. It’s like you having a piece of the puzzle, then another piece of the puzzle. Then suddenly you have enough of the puzzle. You can say, oh, I’m looking at an image of some of the tree. Then because of that, you share that until it appears that confirmation. So yeah. Accurate. Yeah, yeah.

Pam: [00:54:46] So I think that’s something that it frustrates the students because like I don’t do what you’re doing. Well, everybody does it differently. I may never be able to do that, that you but you will have your ways.

Pam: [00:54:59] If you’re interested in helping people and working with people, you will do your thing.

Pam: [00:55:05] And it starts. Pam does not with our own selves. Like you said to the students, that the more open that we are within our own selves. And I’m speaking of not having resistance conscious or unconscious resistance so that this information will be shared from me as a spiritual channel and or the universe as a whole or, you know, you or anybody else is walking on the street. That if we open ourselves to this, that the universe will just communicate. So we say everything we need to know.

Pam: [00:55:34] But that, again, is hard to open because we’ve been socialized. And socialization kind of teaches us not to just be totally open, to be careful. You mean you have to be careful and you have to be polite and you have to do this and you do that. And so that those are things that you have to you still can be polite and be open to, you know, but that some other resistance is. No, that can’t be to keep you going. Okay.

Weston Jolly: [00:56:05] When you’re ready, would you give us as a tip, call it a homework assignment that we could work on individually that would help us to become more connected to our our body, our soul and our body.

Pam: [00:56:22] I think becoming aware. I tell my students, like when you talk to yourself, who you talking to? So becoming more aware is who you’re talking to.

Weston Jolly: [00:56:32] Are you referring to my ego or. Yeah. OK. It’s important to know if you’re talking to your ego. I think your ego is talking to you to make sure we’re clear.

Pam: [00:56:41] Yeah. Yeah. So the idea is like you’ll say, well, that isn’t true. You like who? Don’t talk to me. So you have like I call it with some of my clients, a board of directors. Right. So there is a meditation as to put a table, a big table in a safe room and put your different your physical body or mental awadi or emotional body, your spiritual body, your intuitive body, your divine body or mind, because they both have that at a board of directors. Right.

Weston Jolly: [00:57:19] And say who wants.

Pam: [00:57:22] Have the tables. So the microphone, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then take note cause you’re the observer. Right. And you become the observer and you kind of go like, who’s talking first? You know, the physical goes like, well I’ve been trying to tell you because the physical is trying to tell you something is not in balance with some of the physically jerks because it’s gonna get is going to hurt and it’s going to say, hey. Right. So the physical will keep hurting. in2, you get the message. And if you say, oh, I got the message, you don’t like that. And it goes it will give up the pain. If it was in emotional pain. Sure. And so I know that if they could do that, then some of the pain would go away. Cause that’s what they want is get rid of the pain.

Weston Jolly: [00:58:12] So let me summarize what we’ve learned. So there’s a suggestion that you’re putting forth that if we brought these different components of who we are into a forum, a board of directors forum, and we give these pieces of who we are, an opportunity to speak and be very attentive to who’s speaking versus who isn’t and show they just take note from a server perspective so that we can put something in play that creates balance.

Pam: [00:58:37] Right. The main thing is being open that you have these different aspects. See, a lot of people don’t really realize they have all these people. That’s why I said who to when you talk to yourself. Who are you talking to? Here’s your audience and who’s who’s talking. It allows them to like I do that. Like, who am I talking to and why am and why are you talking to? What is that about? So that’s just a vehicle that, you know, a pitcher or a guided imagery. Sure. To utilize the fact that accepting that you have all these parts to you that have ideas that probably subconsciously are prodding you.

Weston Jolly: [00:59:22] I think that’s a very interesting exercise because it it works very, very well with the human mind. And the reason why is because human mind likes rather categorized. So it loves the idea that, oh, we’re now talking to Westerns, higher self. We’re talking to his left leg. And so, like, I can deal with that.

Pam: [00:59:41] That’s cause I’m more of a mental person now.

Weston Jolly: [00:59:42] I know it, but I’m teasing. But there’s something about being able to have that distinction between those different pieces and parts at the same time at one point when one’s ready to integrate that so that we understand that, OK, this is Wesson’s ego saying that I want to flip somebody off because they driving too slow or that’s some part of Weston that says, you know, we should get off the freeway now because it’s dangerous. And instead of me interpreting that, I need to put my energy towards someone being in my way. Maybe I’m trying to tell myself it’s time to go, you know, have a cup of tea someplace. So I think that’s cool. Before we wrap up, can you share with me?

Weston Jolly: [01:00:21] Why? You don’t like emotions.

Pam: [01:00:25] It’s them empathic me. I’ve been thinking about this like a throw line. I don’t mind laughter or joy those. It’s the harder motions that are murkier here that have a little bit more charge to them as a negative or undesired. It will either e if you say negative, then you have negative anger. Negative is sadness negative. See this where we we can’t actually label them. We’re just going to say that they don’t feel as good. They have to because they have purpose. Any purpose?

Pam: [01:01:04] Sure. And the main thing is probably the sensitive in me doesn’t want since it runs through me. You know, if I tell somebody, if I’m mad at somebody and I tell them off, it’s just like hitting myself in the face.

Weston Jolly: [01:01:21] So I wanna make sure I understand this. The reason I’m asking this question, because a lot of people, I think, are challenged with this. Not everybody. And actually probably a very small segment. But those who are affected in this way, I think would be really benefit from this dialogue here, because there’s a part of you that may want to leave you with this question. May. Process and emotion as if. Do I have to. Yeah. When there’s a faster way. Is that a fair way?

Pam: [01:01:49] Yeah. So I’ve gone like like my husband goes when we first started dating and that stuff. He goes on, I’d say something, he’d say something and say, I’m sorry. He goes, why do you take the blame for everything? I says, I’m sorry, but I’m not taking the blame. I’m just sorry you feel that way. Right. And I need to cut to the chase.

Pam: [01:02:10] I don’t have energy to build up until a crescendo where somebody is yelling and you’re yelling back and forth. Because I don’t have time for cutting it off and be sorry before we’re gone. I’m sorry for what ever I contributed to. I’m not taking the blame for everything.

Weston Jolly: [01:02:27] No. It’s kind to kind of nice because it makes arguments come to an end before they start.

Pam: [01:02:32] And you never have to build and you never take the risk of dumping a bunch of stuff that you don’t want in that mix, because you really need to keep things separate and you don’t want to dump a bunch of. Well, I’ve always hated the way you did there at all. And then you’ve had to back yourself out of all of those things that you’ve said. Right. And so and you just want to get this one thing. Can we order this one thing that we can? And that’s how I’ve learned to cut to the chase.

Weston Jolly: [01:03:06] So we’re gonna reshape this. Not it’s not emotions at large is just that you are saying and this is why I want to bring it forth. Is that there’s a faster way to process than actually being limited to some of the emotions or some of the ways that we express emotions. And because of that, you’re actually shirking and creating a faster way to get to the other side.

Pam: [01:03:25] That’s why it is not that I value emotion because energy in emotion, it fuels sure, it gives movement towards your mental your ideas. You don’t have enthusiasm. You’re not going to do anything that you thought you wanted to do.

Pam: [01:03:42] So I honor I appreciate emotions, but I don’t have time. Like I had one client that was I don’t say name. So that that’s coming. And that all the sudden we had ten minutes left. And she goes, I had says with my father, I go and start crying. And it’s like, is this a new information as well? I said. And she goes, no. I says, is there anything we need to do about. Ten minutes. I have the next person in the outside office. Is there anything we need to do? But. No. It’s like. Right.

Pam: [01:04:24] So we. Okay. You want me to do anything about those? No. OK. We we had to cover all those bases because that can be a really problematic thing. And you leave somebody. Hey, ten minutes.

Pam: [01:04:39] Well, no, I think. And I was laughing. But I won’t be very respectful because, of course, we want to help someone direct this thing that’s coming forth and recognizing through these questions of what can we do constructively to take this emotion and or this story forward is really, really beautiful. And again, some people want that. And as you know as well, some people may or may not, they may margins regurgitate the story.

Weston Jolly: [01:05:03] Pam, I want to thank you so much for taking your time to join us this afternoon. And I personally can share with you. I’m so grateful to call you friend. And certainly you all that you do for me and my family and certainly for all of us who are benefiting from solar panels or.

Weston Jolly: [01:05:20] Well, I’m telling you, she’s a treasure of understanding and not just of the intellectual side. So, Pam, just thank you so much for being with us. Thank you. Privilege.

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I Talk To Dead People -Weston Jolly Ep78

Hi, I'mWeston After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that... “You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…" My Story I Talk To Dead People.I boarded a plane and as I sat down the woman next to me asked, "What Do You...

Know Thyself (Yourself)- Weston Jolly Ep77

Hi, I'mWeston After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that... “You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…" My Story Know ThyselfSometimes the hardest thing in the world is to actually see yourself. You may have taken...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Make You Obsolete -Weston Jolly Ep76

Hi, I'mWeston After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that... “You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…" My Story Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Make You ObsoleteThere may be real reasons AI is freaking you out....

How To Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child -Weston Jolly Ep75

Hi, I'mWeston After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that... “You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…" My Story How to UNDERSTAND your Highly Sensitive Child.The gift of being a Highly Sensitive Child is for the...

10 Reasons Why You Can’t Ask For What You Want | Weston Jolly -Ep74

Hi, I'mWeston After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that... “You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…" My Story 10 Reasons Why You Can't Ask For What You WantWhy is it so hard to ask for what you want? Do you...