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This Life Is Only A DREAM

If it’s our physical side that creates the idea of separation
in real life, do your dreams remove barriers to create oneness?

In this podcast interview with Andrea Fuller, a marriage counselor of three decades, she seeks understanding of a dream within a dream. Weston brings meaning to Andrea’s dream and other pertinent insight.

Together they explore whether there is really any separation at all between dreams and this life we call reality.

Divinely speaking, there is really no separation. Understanding this unlocks the knowledge that our dreams are bringing forward real and important messages that impacts our life and the world.

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Episode 062 of True Connections with Weston Jolly

Transcription: This Life Is Only A DREAM

Weston: I want to thank everybody today for joining me for this podcast entitled, This Life is Only a Dream, and I have a special guest with me. And her name is Andrea. And Miss Fuller is from the beautiful part of California, Pacific Grove specifically. and she’s been involved in marriage and family therapy for, well, quite a while. Andrea, how long?

Andrea: For almost 30 years. Wow. Wow.

Weston: I don’t believe it either, So to say the least,

Weston: You’ve had some wonderful opportunities to sit shall we say, in the 50 yard line and be in the midst of people’s processing. And that’s part of why I wanted to invite you here, especially on a really cool series of questions that we talked about the other day. So I was wondering, Andrea, if you wouldn’t mind kind of outlining that for us?

Andrea: Absolutely. I’d like to begin with what started all of this to begin with. It’s like, one morning I woke up and I was very, very angry. And I don’t feel anger like that, ever. But I was so angry, and I was having these dialogues in my head. And it was so strong, that all of a sudden I went, ah, that’s my ego talking. It was so dramatic. This is the first time that I’ve had the visceral experience of, the ego is not me. It was almost like it’s talking to you. Somebody else, separate. Right. Right. It was absolutely amazing. So that was the beginning of my seeing the world completely differently. And I was grappling with the question of, what do you mean this life is just a dream. It’s real. I can taste it, touch it, smell it. So I was grappling with that. How can it be a dream? When that night, I was sound asleep in bed, and my dog ran into the bedroom, jumped up on the bed. Now this woke me up. I thought it woke me up, in fact I was still dreaming. And he burrowed underneath the covers. Now, it was so real to me. I was positive he was under the covers. And then I woke up, but I didn’t know that I woke up Weston, because I didn’t know I was still asleep. Yes. Yes.

Andrea: And I looked under the covers, and he wasn’t there. And I was so sure that he was there that I wouldn’t give up. I kept looking. I kept turning the covers down. I looked all around the bed. Where did he go? I finally said, OK, it must have been a dream. And I went back to sleep. Now, I had another dream. I dreamed that I was sitting up in bed with my laptop on my lap, and I dreamed that I went to sleep, OK. And in my dream, the laptop fell onto the floor and made a sound. And, I thought I woke up. OK. And I sat up in bed and I saw the laptop on the floor. And then I woke up, but I didn’t know I woke up because I didn’t know I was still asleep. I thought I woke up with the sound on the floor. I turned on the light. Now I’m not really awake, turned on the light, reached to pick up the laptop, and it wasn’t there. Wow. And I thought, oh, my heavens, I was dreaming. And that’s when it hit me. That’s how this life can be a dream and feel so real.

Weston: I think that is, of course, so beautiful for you to be so clear and concise about something that sometimes happens to us, and we still remain shall we say, confused. Or using your terms, not awake. And when we think that this place, this in-habitation, this embodiment is real, of course we create that illusion. And it’s really tough to discuss this because we want to fight for, this is real versus that is real, and of course, getting in touch with, shall we call the inbetween is the opportunity of all opportunities. Where does this take us Andrea, in terms of some of the questions that you have?

Andrea: Oh, all kinds of questions. OK. When I dream at night, no matter how real the dream seems, I’m really in my bed. But where am I, during this dream of being a human?

Weston: It’s an interesting thought because a lot of people, of course in the idea that we all have an ego, and I want to get that out on the table, because it’s something we’re going to be talking about throughout this conversation. It’s that part of this that creates the identity. And if you really see this question, that’s exactly what’s coming forth now. There’s a part of you that’s going through trying to identify or categorize where I am. Am I my body, am I outside of my body. And these are beautiful questions on an earthly or physical level. However, in our divine self, there isn’t a separation. So while we create the opportunity for us to be here in this space, we’ll call it this physical space. The reality is we’re not separate from that which we are in terms of our place of origin. And when we speak of leaving this embodiment and going back to our state of origins, or sometimes people use words heaven, or other such categorizations of the light, that that’s all wonderful, but we’ve never been separate from that. And again, the only place a separation comes from is this piece that’s biological within the body called the ego. It’s something that we don’t understand that much. But when we start to become aware that we aren’t who we think that we are, which means male, female, and or these experiences, or even these series of lifetimes that we’ve had, then it enables us to go even further. So let me answer the question with the following. That this idea that we are outside of our physical being is actually accurate. But we’re not separate from that. We’re never separate from that. It’s only the body or the physical side that creates that idea of separation. Does it make sense?

Andrea: Yes, it absolutely makes sense. Yes. Good. OK, so now, this is the visualization I got, the picture that I got while you were talking. So we have the mind, and we have the split mind with the ego part that has created the fantasy of this as reality. And then we have the Buddha mind. The infinite mind. Yes. Okay. The higher self maybe. Right. Then if we’re not separate that would mean there’s only one higher self, and that’s why I can say we are one, Weston and I are one. It’s simply the higher self seeing reality from a different perspective.

Weston: Correct. And again, you couldn’t have described that better. And I have shared this with you. Andrea, in our years of knowing one another, and that of your family as well. But in addition to the idea that I’m male, and the idea that you’re female and we’re our current age respectively, and that these experiences constitute who I am or who I think that I am. The reality is that what you’ll remember most, isn’t my blue eyes or necessarily my name, or that I was male. What you’ll remember is the signature, and that signature is much more permanent than, you know, fingerprints, and or the imprints of the iris in her eyes, etc. That form of, quote, identification in terms of that vibration, that illumination is unique and very specific to each individual. I’ll use the term, soul. And of course, by extension, that takes place in terms of each individual soul can have the opportunity, shall we say, the further identity to be male with these sets of fingerprints, etc, etc. But the idea that were separate isn’t true. And so what you just propose that, you know, you and I are one is why you hear language that way, especially when channeling, where you’ll hear the terms we, and the universal one. In the beginning for me. I didn’t understand any of that because I wasn’t exposed to that. But then. in time, somehow, not necessarily to my physical self, these things began to make sense, or I started to be able to integrate this state of oneness.

Weston: And when we find that within ourselves, that we aren’t separate from one another,  and I’m speaking of just you and I, or our family trees, or the community in the world at large, our ability to create is completely altered. Instead of me having to do it through the individual, quote unquote, me, we start participating in what I would call a harmony obsession. It’s a phenomenal opportunity. It’s something generally that women tend to do best. Meaning there’s a collaboration of energy that takes place within the feminine gender generally speaking, that’s that’s kind of cool. Males really sometimes have to work at that, if at all. Meaning, a lot of times males in a particular are very much asleep. And when when I say asleep, I want you to think of going to sleep at night. Meaning, they’re just not awake to the fact that there is an ability to connect. And this is why they propel themselves so individualistically. And even in, shall we say, the wonderful example of the ego. And we have some current examples. And I’m not going to get into this politically. But we have some wonderful examples happening on the national stage or the international stage in terms of how ego is running amuck. And these are opportunities for us individually to see, and even collectively, to ultimately create something different. That we don’t have to do this through ideas of separation.

Andrea: Yes.

Andrea: OK, these realizations are absolutely changing how I see the world, and how I move through it.

Weston: Let’s talk about that. In what way, Andrea?

Andrea: Well, I am now very exquisitely aware of every negative thought. Yes. Well, maybe not every negative thought. But lot more, right?. A lot more. And I’m aware of it in the moment. In the moment, or a judgment thought. And I immediately think, oh, that’s the ego, because the other part of my mind wouldn’t be thinking that way. Right. So, it’s quite profound in the way that I go through each day.

Weston: It is. And you know, what you reference, of course, is going to be in the moment versus allowing the mind to go outside at the moment, which it tends to do a lot of especially historically, about what happened to me, quote unquote, me the perceived me, yesterday or the day before, 20 years ago, by my mom, my dad, the world at large. Then we regurgitate these things, as in broken records to go round and round and round and to hold on to this, we’ll call it false identity, and then it creates this illusion. And this illusion is, you know, I can’t be in a personal relationship because, and I’m going to fill in that story, of course, always of the past. If we stay present, and we negate that these pieces of who we think that we are are real, their experiences here, but they’re not necessarily real. And then we allow ourselves to remain open. Think of like a dry erase board, thats completely clean, to create something different. And all we need to do is become further aligned in that moment, and in terms of going forward, and then of course, we have the opportunity to create a different kind of journey. So think of the moon orbiting around the earth, and of course it’s caught in the gravitational pull. And this is us, being attached to our ego, going round and round and round without necessarily much progress. I’ve often made the parallel to watching the movie Rocky and Rocky 2, Rocky 3 and Rocky 4 and 5. At one point, how many versions of Rocky do we need to see before we understand that this is the same story with not much, shall we say evolution or personal development and growth.

Weston: When we see that, that we’re attached to something, or we’re going in a cyclic pattern, it’s because of the ego. When we step away from that, then suddenly we slingshot out of orbit, or the moon, shall we say, shoots off into a new direction that we get to create, shall we say expanded and often times that’s done outside of our personal experiences. And that’s when we start slipping into something really, really cool. Now, you kind of mentioned this, somewhat quickly, but really cooly with your dream. Because, how many of us have a dream that actually feels so real that we wake up having ourselves challenged? Is what I dreamed real? Or am I still in a dream. Or is this real? And that is something very, very profound. And for myself, I’ve always had some enormous challenge in that area way before I even became physically aware. Now part of that is because I do talk in my dreams, as in  out loud, and I also do sleepwalk. And that was actually an issue or perceived problem in terms of my growing up. Today though, I would say that to my advantage. And what I mean by that is it enables me to be able to be separate from this quote unquote reality, separate in a positive way that I am participating in the state of oneness, coming back into this embodiment and trying to figure out what’s real here for me, at times, is much more challenging than the other way around. The other side feels much more real there.

Weston: My ability to do this or do that, or do something that would be perceived as okay in the dream state like flying, that seems very real to me. And yet, it is frustrating to be in this state and realize that I can’t participate in that way. Wow. But, that’s neat, and of course, its challenging, because this modality or this side of the fence seems to be pretty locked up with the idea that this is what we can do or can’t do based upon the ideas of separation that we continue to participate in. So, this is a marvelous opportunity to see how we can expand ourselves outside of the idea of who we think we are and to, shall we say, get further aligned, and to slingshot out of our cyclic patterns to create something that would be different, or unique, or of course, very much in collaboration to what you come here to do, and what you’ve come here to experience, and to create with others in that kind of way. And ultimately, I’ll say this as well. Quite simply, when we go into the state of collaboration, it’s very easy for us to work together because we’re not trying to position ourselves. I’m not trying to insert my idea as the idea, ahead of Andrea, or you versus me, because we’re not thinking in those terms. We’re thinking collaboratively, like, how can I further our contribution, doing what ever we’re going to do together going forward in that state of oneness, in the exact way we’re doing it right this moment?

Andrea: Well, OK. My head is spinning. But as you were talking. I realized we’re calling it a dream. And yes, it’s a dream. But it seemed to me more like a virtual reality game. And yet you have the head thing, or whatever it is that makes you think you’re in another reality. But we get to change the game. And when that when that analogy came to me, it’s like, oh, I don’t actually like the game that I’m playing.

Andrea: I think I’ll play another game. And I made some substantial changes in my life. Well, tell us about that. In what way? Well, I was playing the game of I’d really like to move to be closer to my son, but I really can’t afford it because I can’t afford to quit working. And, in that kind of a game. And anyway, it would be such a big change. And all of a sudden, I know exactly how I can make enough money to support myself while well in any location that I happen to be in. And I can be any place I feel like being. And I’m making the changes right now to make that move.

Weston: Have you given consideration to what we’re doing right now, Andrea?

Andrea: What do you mean?

Weston: Maybe there’s a whole bunch of people listening, that might have need of your services, regardless of where you quote unquote, live? Of course. So this is a new expanse, based upon the old paradigm, which meant that I had to stay here to offer my services. And so the idea that we’re doing what we’re doing together gives an opportunity for others to say, well, Andrea, could I talk to you about, you know, family issues and or marriage issues? And the question, or the answer to that question would be, of course, yes. And it’s not really important if you lived in the beautiful area of Monterey, California, versus some other part of the country. And you opening up to that, is huge for you personally, and of course, the universe, slash the people are listening who want, need those kinds of services. It doesn’t bother them whether you live in Texas or South Dakota or Kansas, right? I mean, we, slash the collective, want to support that, because we’re not thinking that as a perceived limitation, because you, have removed that limitation. So I want to be very personal with that, because that’s something really incredible. When we make a paradigm shift such as you’re making, it enables the whole universe, the angelic realm, source, etc, to go oh finally, OK? She or he is out of the way, so that we can finally give them what they’ve been asking for so repetitively. That thing of like, from a parenting perspective, where we have a child who has asked for something and we have the ability to offer them what it is that they’re asking for. And yet we want to do that in harmony to what we’ll call the real ask.

Weston: And of course, source is just not kind of wanting to do that. The instant that we have the thought, because here again, there’s no separation. Those things are made manifest. The only reason that those things retard, or that there are limited, or there is a delay of time, is because of those beliefs, thoughts or attributes of this game that you’re playing, or projecting, that this can’t happen. It’s like, oh, OK, well Andrea doesn’t believe that she can go from one side of the country to this other country and participate in earning an income, or that she has to do it all through her hands, well, we’ll understand that, but at one point, her body will wear out, and at one point she’ll have to realize it doesn’t have to be exclusively through her. Which means others can make that contribution in your behalf even without you having to do something. And I’m not talking about welfare. And this is incredible because it enables you to go, oh, wow. And then if you see this, becomes a point of leverage so that you can use this collaborative energy, and we when I say use, I’m not talking about take, but participate in this beautiful way to do something that we couldn’t do necessarily individually. So it’s like watching or hearing and experiencing an orchestra literally coming together with the excitement that the one sound is profound. But then there’s this collaboration of one, two, three or four sounds, and attributes of jazz as a musical medium is probably the truest sense of musicians literally doing this on the fly. And this is without ego. Because we can’t. Its not the piano player gets a lead, or force that lead, or the sax player playing this versus that.

Weston: These things are done literally in the spur of the moment. And to do that well, as in really well, we have to be absent of having the idea that it’s me, it’s my turn, it’s my band, et cetera, et cetera. And all of that goes away in the excitement of this, again, collaboration to do something that, well, for those of us who are drawn to do this, that really want to participate in this way. And this is why this life is only a dream is, I think, perfect as an analogy to your actual dream. And also becoming aware that this thing that the ego, and our physical senses that supports that, my physical sense of support that I’m in pain, or the emotions that I’ve created historically that I still have today, or you when we project upon what would take place tomorrow is all going to be based upon my perception. But when we go beyond that, it’s like, oh, OK, we’ll finally your going to step out of the reality and maybe you want a different headset, or even participate as a different icon, than we have the ability to have access to this knowledge, divine knowledge that goes outside, of course, the individual means. And that’s in my world that the most incredible thing that I’ve ever experienced, and still experiencing, and of course, want to share that in terms of the direct ability to do that, but also that others can, shall we say, step into that kind of knowledge and that kind of awareness with our own self.

Andrea: And what was really dramatic for me was, sorry, I didn’t realize that I was playing a game of not enough and don’t, cant. Didn’t realize that that was just, oh, reality to me, but it wasn’t reality. The minute I did this shift, it was like, oh, I can do . . . It opened everything up.

Weston: It does. And isn’t it interesting, ultimately, how simple it is? Yes.

Weston: We can go into the further aspects of how this interrelates on higher levels etc., etc. But the simplicity is that we literally are at one, and really feeling that then quote, creating in that space enables us to have the fulfillment that is, again, I will use my words in an unspeakable kind of way. That is just fantastic, its worthy of being able to grab my violin and be asked to participate with the orchestra. That’s just an incredible moment to join in in that state of oneness.

Andrea: This just opens up all kinds of different ways of seeing everything. For example, when we . . . I do a lot of work with passed life regression. And what this would mean is all of those so called past lives or other lives are just a part of the same dream.

Weston: You’re getting it good. This is great.

Andrea: Wow. Wow. So once we wake up, we don’t have to be in the dream anymore.

Weston: We talked about this the other day too Andrea. But this is absolutely higher level understanding from a spiritual perspective. And I sometimes, I tease that, you know, going to college where we have 101 classes, and 201 classes, and we have the 401 classes with senior level classes, and we have the PHD level classes. And some of what we’re getting into is certainly the higher aspects of understanding. But it’s really true that even our perception in a previous existence, when remembered, brought into this life is again a perspective of film, something like a piece of film that I now have access to outside of my physical embodiment or something else I did. And I bring it here. My first thought was why? Why am I accessing something that if indeed this is true, why am I bringing that forth today? Well, instantly I became aware that there was some patterns, meaning I could see some patterns of my previous life or previous lives compared to this life. And was like, that’s interesting. And why would I be continuing to again orbit around the Earth as this moon, or this gravitational object thats held in this way and this pattern? And of course, I realized that, oh, this is for me to become aware that I’m not limited to this pattern now that I’m seeing a couple lives.

Weston: And that could be a specific thing that I did, or some experiences I did, or even personally as a whole. But it really opens up the door to further and greater understanding of what it is that we’re trying to accomplish. But the point of that. And that’s what you’re bringing forth, is that we’re not limited to this pattern of the past. And if you take this forward, specific to this concept that some people might misinterpret in terms of karma. We’re not doomed to the next life to having to repeat this again and again and again, unless that’s my perspective or my desire to do that. So, it’s not like I’m tethered to five more generations of me participating in this way. The moment that we become aware is like, oh, okay. I think that’s complete. And with that, the the karmatic piece of thinking that I have to do that suddenly breaks. And I’m off into another part of the universe, shall we say, discovering different kinds of things and of course, contributing to poor kinds of things. Andrea, how does this affect you and those that you want to facilitate or help?

Andrea: Well, it’s huge in terms of rising above the rut. I don’t know what words to say. Rising above, I don’t have to do this anymore. Right. I don’t have to be angry anymore. The people that I help. Wow You know, therapists, quote, are not supposed to talk about things that are spiritual. But what I have found is people are hungry for it. They want to see themselves as something bigger than their tiny little box that they think that they’re in.

Weston: Beautifully said.

Weston: So. Andrea, I have a question. Yes. Why now for you?

Weston: Meaning this awareness, this spiritual awareness, this paradigm shift of paradigm shifts for you to realize that this space, this life is only but a dream, just like all of us. Why now? Why now in your life? Do you have any thoughts to that? Yes. OK. You don’t have to share it, by the way, if you want to, please do.

Andrea: Several years ago, I’m approaching my 80th birthday. And several years ago, I set the intention of making these last years inside the body to be the best that I can be in terms of really comprehending that I am one with source and becoming everything that I can be, while I’m still inside a body. And so I’ve been doing a lot of meditating, a lot of introspection, reading, studying, and primarily I think it’s the intention. I want this. I want this understanding.

Weston: So, we could summarize with what you said, that you’ve asked for this understanding and here you are at the receiving end, receiving the understanding that you’ve asked for.

Andrea: Yes. Yes.

Weston: And isn’t it interesting, too, in terms of this time of life, meaning it’s easy, Andrea, for people who are maturing in whatever form that could be described. To grab the remote control to the TV and shall we say, stay stuck or stay asleep, mesmerized by whatever is playing on the television or any other form, that would be the Internet as well. But not necessarily digging in and going further. And yet there is some part of you that says Man, I’m not going to complete this journey without becoming even further connected in this realm, through this understanding and of course, lovingly as we’re doing here, this could be done absent of anyone else knowing. And yet here you are through our collective desire, to share this, because it has profound effect on others of any age. Meaning imagine Andre, having this thought that you have employed now, and getting this at 30 or 29 or 22. I mean, this severely changes that person, let alone the world.

Andrea: It would change the world. It would change the world. Yes.

Andrea: Think what the world would be like if everybody thought from the perspective of source, of the One. Yeah.

Weston: Instead of what we’re literally experiencing this particular moment, where we have this great big, huge division. And the division is seen and, you know, politics if I that can use that as a term or a perceived term. But it’s really the same division that we have within us. What’s real and what’s not?

Weston: And, instead of us thinking that we’re separate, which is what we’re seeing, again, take the country. We see this within ourselves? And when that changes… And it’s interesting to me, Andrea, you know, having looked at this for quite a while and certainly doing what I’ve done and continue to do. I find that our differences or states of separation always. I shouldn’t say always, almost always go away in the highest state of drama. Oh. So if somebody bombed, or there was a tragic event that took place in Monterey, California, regardless of color, with regardless of their choice of experiences, regardless of our historical past except etc. Suddenly all of that goes away, in our desire to want to connect. And it happens outside of us necessarily even thinking about it. Know, I won’t say this is true about everybody. There are people that are running away from 9/11 thinking only about themselves. But ultimately what you really see is all of these different classes of people. And again, perceptions of classes of people, being touched by something that’s extremely dramatic as a means to, shall we say, awakening. And those experiences they’re highly dramatic by themselves, of course, but they are portals of opportunity to become aware of how one we are. Now, we can go back into the illusion that I’m separate than you because I work on the top floor and you work on the bottom floor as a janitor mopping the bathrooms, whatever that would be. But if if we don’t see it and categorize it that way, we really see ourselves in a state of oneness, I’ll even suggest outside of the idea that we have to do that dramatically, it changes.

Weston: Now, we have a long history in terms of human beings participating in drama as a means to become aware, or to throw us into to an opportunity to become aware. And it seems that we have some more of that yet to create. Having stated that. I think it’s important at least as not just as a kind of a concept, but as an absolute roadmap to those who want to participate, are states of connection doesn’t have to be done exclusively through drama. We can do that in times of peace, which is to say, I can connect with you outside the idea that we need to have a bomb go off in the backyard for us to say hello as neighbors. And this changes, how we connect or how we create. Now, like I said, we can go in and out of that. We can wait till the next dramatic event to unite, or we can say, you know, no, this aspect of our coming together is not kind of important. It’s imperative. And when we do, then of course, that becomes, quote, our reality. And that state of unity is something that’s seen actually outside of this realm. And this is why you see attributes of nature so perfectly interconnected. And then if you even take this world, and you set it in the universe that we think to be real as well, it’s perfectly in harmony as well. And if you see that, then there’s got to be an understanding that something’s going on here, that’s beyond, quote unquote, were the only planet in this universe that has life, etc, etc, Those are all ego based thoughts. It’s very interesting.

Andrea: Right. You’ve said so much, but one of the things that I heard was, in times of high drama, we set aside the artificiality of I’m a woman, you’re a man, I’ve got light skin, you’ve got black skin. Those are just artificiality. They don’t matter. Right. And we connect on the level that really, really matters.

Weston: That’s that’s the golden opportunity. Almost always that state of connection is instantaneous. Were the planes going down, we’re not thinking about what’s in our briefcase, or how expensive my computer is, or what kind of shoes I’m wearing. We’re thinking about literally participating as a group to get to the other side, dramatically survive, if I can use that term. And of course, we do this as a team effort. Now, we didn’t come in as a team, meaning we didn’t board the plane as you know, the ASU football team. We boarded the plane as quote unquote, individuals. But in this dramatic moment, we become a team and we’re all dedicated instantly without a coach, to getting to the side. And that means if you are having a challenge in the back of the plane because something happened to you, then someone else who’s stronger, who can take care of that will quite literally lift you and carry you off the plane. And those things aren’t even thought about because we want to in one aspect to participate in this heightened state of connection. And yet the cool part of that, from my perspective, is we can do that all the time. We don’t have to wait for, you know, the worst of the worst of human tragedy to bond or come together.

Andrea: We can live every day as if we are one because we are. Indeed. Right. Well, then there’s one more thought I had. Yeah.

Andrea: Now I have a lot to spare.

Andrea: If this is only a dream, that means that we don’t exist as bodies any more than Tinker was really in my bed under the covers. That was no more real. And my body is no more real than that. That’s true. Wow. That is mind blowing.

Weston: And we’re practicing that again in today’s society, especially with our evolution of technology.

Andrea: What do you mean?

Weston: We are creating all of these social media platforms as a means to have an identity to, what I’m going to show you what eat for breakfast. This is the vacation that I’m taking. This is who I’m dating. I’m married. This is my child. And I say this lovingly, but truthfully, these are all attributes of this experience, of this human perspective. These things aren’t wrong or bad, but they’re not necessarily, quote unquote, who we are. And at one point, we realize, especially the social media stars or the people who were movers and shakers, and those events, where you get behind the scenes and really see that it’s just like Hollywood where all of this has been done, being done for production value, not necessarily as reality. These people not necessarily live like that, and perhaps or even grotesquely depressed, although you would think based upon their outer appearances that they’re just happy and delightfully connected. The truth is that they’re not. So we’re using this this technology as a means to connect number one, but still doing through this very interesting, I’ll even call it barbaric means of coming together. At one point, we won’t need the technology, meaning we don’t need to have a cell phone or the phone that we’re having now to co-create this connection. We’ll do it outside of the technology. And with that we take take another evolution, quite the bump, I may say, to come further engaged in the idea that we can collaborate at that kind of level.

Weston: What does that mean? Well, it means alot. It means that in the same way that I have access to another country, through technology that could be, again, a video face timing somebody, or a conversation, or social media. And all these things have happened extremely rapidly and certainly in our lifetimes, Andrea. And this at one point will continue to evolve that we don’t need to have the technology to create the unity that we’re having. For example, Facebook is, the only reason Facebook is a social media platform and others is because it fulfills our need to connect. Why? Why is it that we have the desire to connect so strongly? Well, we’ve been that way since the day that the telephone got invented, that it enabled me to call my sister in Cincinnati when I live in Arizona. And the idea that I had a sister that lived there and that form of connection creates that artificial bridge. And we’re practicing through technology to get to something that’s ultimately innate within us as we do that individually, which is in one sense another step, we can go outside of this realm, which is something of course I’ve been practicing, and you as well in certain degrees to connect outside of this realm to bring that knowledge, that information, or even that awareness into this realm because we can.

Weston: There’s no other reason, no other way to put that. But it’s very exciting to see that we’re in this very exciting opportunity to become aware, and to use our current states of awareness to further our connection instead of being separated. So even as the moment, there’s a lot of people, especially in the well, call them the 35 and beneath that are very, very dependent on these technologies as a means to connect. In essence, they’ve forgotten or shall we say, haven’t been as exposed to how to connect on a true social level, in the same way you know we may greet one another without our phones, Andrea. That wouldn’t be a problem for us, for other people that would be a huge issue. And this is part of what I’ll call a pendulum swing so that they can experience that, shall we say the drought of having to be so dependent to get a date on Tender, and thats the only way that they can get it, as opposed to actually walking up to someone and says, hey, would you like to dance? And the reason that technology is used in that way is it creates a buffer like a liaison to make it easier for someone to make the ask, without necessarily getting tagged again in the perception that you can get hurt, which is of course, ego or the separation of oneself.

Weston: And when we say I can’t get hurt, and I don’t need technology as a liaison piece to have interaction with somebody, then we offer ourselves in this more conjoined way outside of the borders of me being male, you being female, outside of the borders of we living in the two different states, Andrea. Outside of the idea that we have different countries emerging and coming together, and even outside of our physical realm, this realm, engaging with other quote unquote worlds of which we haven’t done yet. And when that takes place, then we will not see, shall we say, this new race that’s introduced to us outside of our perceived perception as critical of the enemy. I mean, every Hollywood movie that you see about aliens is always about how they’re going to consume Earth. And it’s crazy to have that as a thought. But yet that’s something that people still cling to because again, it sells movie tickets. It excites the need to be engaged in a fear, fearful based state. But the excitement of coming together in the state of oneness is what we’re doing. We’re using technology as a means to get further down that path. And yet we ultimately don’t need it, and we don’t have to do it through drama, which creates even well for the opportunity of how fun this can actually be.

Andrea: Yes.

Andrea: Yes. Other planets, other universes, other dimensions. Oh, that’s where I want to go. Then when this body dies, I can go to the invisible non-physical realm. There are non-physical beings that are as real or maybe more real than this body. And do they really help us? Do I really have nonphysical beings that are supporting me in this physical world?

Weston: The answer is yes. Emphatically. In your choice to allow it, which means conscious choice, and or unconscious choice.

Andrea: So, this whole concept of returning to source. Yes. is a matter of eons in terms of physical time.

Weston: Lay there, done for me one more time. OK.

Andrea: I think that I have had millions of years of reincarnation. OK. Now, that’s just physical time. In reality, it all happens at the same time. There is no such thing as time. But then if there are nonphysical beings that are assisting the physical beings, that would mean that they have not fully completely returned to source

Weston: That is something that they’re wanting to experience. Right.

Andrea: Exactly. But when, we actually all return to source. My understanding is it won’t happen until it all happens. Then, will we not lose our separate sense of identity, will we not? Yes.

Weston: Yes. I think of, there’s a great documentary that’s called 20 Feet from Stardom, and it’s a documentary about backup singers. Some of the best backup singers in the world. And the point of this documentary is that 20 feet is the distance from where they sit or stand onstage to be seen in a completely different way as a front runner. But if you hear and listen to the spiritual aspects of that documentary, which you really get in touch with, there is a desire by these clinical backup singers to create a unity of one voice that’s more important to them than being out front. If you hear what I’m trying to say, it means that they move into an egoless state. It doesn’t really matter if they’re standing 20 feet from stardom, which is in some people’s perceptions, the ultimate goal, this is what we should do. And they choose not to because there is a greater joy in becoming at one with this, with these voices that would be other backup singers, the music at large, of course, the audience and of course, whoever quote unquote is concievably only in the lead in that particular moment. Now, the lead singers who are aware, know this, meaning they know that it’s not just about them. They know that these wonderful, outstanding players who could easily come forth and grab the microphone in terms of being out in front, choose not to do that based upon some spiritual desire to collaborate.

Weston: And that is an extra ordinary attribute. And mostly it’s done again through the feminine energy. Regardless of that, backup singer is male and or female. That there’s a male singer in that way understands, and that’s not a big deal for someone else to be in front, 20 feet in front, so that they can support that through this joyful connection. When we do that with the components of our spiritual supporters, then it having to be me, in terms of being the one that’s up front is a whole lot less important than participating with the collaboration. And once someone becomes aware of this, the idea that me, the person or me holding the mike is crazy, because when I go to speak over, I gotta share, it’s never about me. It’s always about something that’s coming through me, and the backup singers that I’m referring to are, should be in front, meaning that they’re much more profound than my voice, or my mind trying to express is, and ever could be. And yet there’s a collaboration in terms of me allowing that, to be a part of that. So the reality of us connecting to those spiritual energies in this room is as encouraged as you would want it to be.

Weston: Now, again, I answered the question that that kind of interconnection takes place, if we’re consciously desiring that, that can be reminded, Andrea, how you got to where you are, in your 80th year, that there’s some part of you that says, I really want to further down this path and becoming aware. And because of that boom, here you are being shown that light is only but a dream. And in that, everything starts to click. And then in that understanding in this room, it begins to extend to this other route. And so the opportunity to be, shall we say, assisted or collaborated or participating with, the illusion of backup singers if I can still use that analogy in reference to the spiritual entities that are supporting us in this room. Oh, my goodness, it’s so much more profound in terms of that kind of assistance than anyone can possibly imagine. And I’m talking about people that really have a strong imagination. It is insane in terms of how much support there is, and all we have to do is open to it outside of the idea that it has to be done through the limitations of your mind, or even perhaps even how you’re trained through your belief systems. It’s an incredible opportunity to extend yourself in a set of cooperation that is well out of this world.

Andrea: Well that just gives me goose bumps, because that takes me out of any concept of this individual is important, or unique, or, do you know what I mean? I mean. I do. It’s not me, known as Andrea that has any importance whatsoever.  It’s the whole, the wholeness. It’s the entire band. It’s not one performer. Exactly. It’s. Wow. That takes away any ego need to be seen or heard. Or wow. Andrea is so smart. It takes it all away.

Weston: Indeed. It’s not. It’s not about me, the preceived individual with blond and blue eyes. It has nothing to do with that. And that’s why have many things that I have done and still do I feel uncomfortable associating my name to that, because it’s not me. Meaning I’m a part of it. I do honor that. But it’s not me, even though I’m seen as the front man, or the person that is onstage. But if you look behind me in terms of you look behind stage, in terms of 20 feet, that stage isn’t big enough to literally show you the individual, or the group that would be watching what kind of contribution is taking place in this collaboration. And that becomes the magic.

Andrea: And even more so, it isn’t anything to do with the individual. It is, if we allow it. The bigger purpose is coming through us.

Weston: Agreed.

Weston: Andrea, tell me, or slash us, why you feel so compelled to ask such a thought, be rewarded with the idea of becoming aware that you’re not limited to your physical centers, and or that embodiment under your dreams. And tell me, you know, why this is so important to you now?

Andrea: Well, for a long time, I have really had a deep desire to be the catalyst for people to see that they are bigger, and greater, and more capable and competent than they think they are. And, what I’m thinking and feeling right now is just that concept on a much bigger scale. If I just limit myself to what this one body can do. It’s not enough. But if I expand and allow the cosmic consciousness, so to speak to come through me, incredible, incredible results will follow. Did I answer your question? Perfectly.

Weston: And do you understand that? Andrea, you’re the one that has created this podcast.

Andrea: I’m not sure, but you may know.

Andrea: And I’m kind of like, wow, I can’t think anymore.

Weston: Fine, That’s fine. And we are going to summerize in half a moment here. But I want to share with you that this catalyst of understanding in terms of something thats taking place with you and I most recently in a conversation that was happening during a session, I just felt divinely inspired as a result of you to ask you and even somewhat drag you here, and I hope didn’t have to have to do that. But to invite you to do what we’re doing today, because it is so valuable to me, the individual, and the perceived idea that I am separate than you. But so much more to connect to this cosmic side of who we are realizing that this is something that we can create together through a state of consciousness and in the state of openness, there is just so much to do, so much to create, too much to experience outside of the idea that is just me, me, me, me, me, me, me. And this opportunity for us to step into that and to really feel that, to me is so exciting. And that’s why I just felt so again inspired by you. Andrea, through the questions that you were asking, and are asking again today, to share with us and to have a great understanding of what we can be consciously in terms of our physical incarnation here, realizing that, you know, obviously we are powered by this battery pack called the body, which fuels the temporary existence of the mind, slash the ego.

Weston: And of course, all of that’s going to die. But what won’t is this understanding, this truth, this connection that you and I and others who are listening to this podcast really found ourselves connected to, and bound to for reasons that may sound funny, or are difficult to explain. And yet, when we feel it and we move based upon that, it literally accomplishes what you wanted to put forth, to change the perceptions of others, to offer a different kind of a path to a greater kind of an existence outside of this realm fulfilling the needs of your clients. Andrea, who are wanting to have a spiritual connection when sometimes in therapy these things are said that we shouldn’t talk about that. And yet there’s a hunger, I mean a real, real hunger for individuals to become aware of who they are and how they’re connecting with one another.

Andrea: Yes.

Weston: Andrea, and in sense of the word, and I mean this having known you, and my wife and I for a long, long time. I’m so grateful to you. And I’m so grateful for your opportunity to participate in my life, let alone again in this contribution in this moment. So please allow me to express that.

Andrea: I thank you profusely. And, you know, the same is true for me.

Weston: Thank you, Andrea. What a wonderful opportunity to share the space together.

Andrea: Yes, it is. I’m very grateful for it.

Weston: Me, too. Thank you again. And please lets have the opportunity to continue this path together.

Andrea: I love it. Thank you. Okay. Bye.

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