Abundant love (pass it along)
Some stories are so unbelievable and shocking, they don’t need any introduction or embellishment. This is one of those stories.
Some stories are so unbelievable and shocking, they don’t need any introduction or embellishment. This is one of those stories. It was originally told to me in a very casual manner by my friend Robert, his name has been changed to protect his identity who is 26, and who had no idea he was about to floor me with this true narrative.
Robert started, “I remember going to a ten day silent meditation retreat, and when it finished, I asked if anyone needed a ride as I was driving home to Southern California. The nicest Thai woman approached me and took me up on my offer. While driving her down the Coast, I came to discover that she was an advocate of Stand Up Paddle Surfing, as you know, something my Mom loves to do. And, a little later during the drive she also told me that her husband founded Rainbow Sandals.
Halfway through the drive I stopped the car to get some gas and she handed me about two hundred dollars in cash for gas and my driving. I told her I didn’t need it. Because I really didn’t. But she was insistent, and she refused my refusal and so you know, what do you do? At that point, I just accepted the money so as not to be rude.
Now back in the car, we drive up to her enormously beautiful house where she insisted I stop so she could make me a sandwich. I’m starving, so I agree. We both go inside and she makes me the most incredible avocado sandwich. I leave with the food, after we talk a little more and say our goodbyes.
After dropping her off and eating half of my sandwich, I am driving down through Oceanside to get back to the San Diego Freeway when I see a car stranded on the side of the road. I stop and get out and I’m trying to converse with this dude who doesn’t speak much English. Finally, I get it, that he’s trying to get to a family event in San Diego when his car got a flat. I thought, I have AAA and I know that I have three free tows a year, so I’ll call them to help him out.
I call the service and tell them that a friend of mine’s car broke down and he needs a tow. After the tow truck arrived, I double check with the stranded Hispanic man that I have his correct address and give it to the driver so he can get him home to his family’s event on time. In the meantime, I also gave him the other half of my avocado sandwich and the wad of cash that the Thai woman had given to me. I tell him to get a new tire and have a good time with his family.
Suddenly, I realized why I was holding $200 cash in my pocket which explained why it didn’t feel like it belonged to me.”
In the Spirit of the season, when I asked my young friend if I could share his story? He said, “Sure pass it on.” So, now I have. I hope you will too.
With abundant love,
Weston Jolly