Welcome to the future

Seeing the future continues to be appreciated as one of the most valued of all gifts.

What Lies Ahead For Us In the Future?

For thousands of years, humanity has shown a keen interest in the insights of seers, dream interpreters, and oracles regarding what the future holds. The ability to foresee what is to come remains one of the most cherished gifts. Personally, I consider this talent to be a precious honor to share, and I’d like to offer a brief overview of this fascinating process.

A New Year’s Embrace of Possibilities

As we usher in the New Year, I’m excited to share a wealth of information about upcoming events. However, before diving into the details, I want to address a frequent question posed during consultations, workshops, presentations, or teleconferences: “How will the future unfold?” Interestingly, while the myriad answers can be wonderfully detailed, they all share a single key element.

Understanding the Future: A Timely Reflection

At the start of this New Year, it’s essential to simplify this fundamental aspect of understanding the future. Allow me to introduce you to two little girls whose spiritual examples have left a lasting impression on me, and I hope they will be equally unforgettable for you. The first girl I’ll call “Dorothy,” inspired by the sparkly red shoes from The Wizard of Oz , and the second, “Anna,” from the Disney movie Frozen , whose pink boots carry a delightful charm.

A Serendipitous Encounter

One day before New Year’s Eve, I observed these two precious girls in a small, park-like area nestled between shops. Dorothy and Anna had just met, while Anna’s mother was preoccupied, focusing on her phone rather than her daughter. In contrast, Dorothy’s mother was entirely attentive, giving her undivided consideration.The Future

The Importance of Unity

The pictures I sneakily took hardly capture the sheer bliss of these two new friends and their inseparable connection. Dorothy held hands with Anna, skipping around in a circle, singing, “We’re off to see the wizard… The Wonderful Wizard of Oz…” I found it hard not to join in their joyful celebration. Their connection was compelling and sincere.

The Key to Future Prognostications

The essence of future predictions can be summed up in one word: Unity. The future is not separate from the past or the present; it only seems so due to the illusion of time. While time may feel tangible in our current reality, it is, in fact, an illusion. However, the unity embodied by two girls meeting and playing as if they were lifelong friends is a true connection. However, you might think this to be hard in even more divisive times. Yet, you have to choose.

Reflections That Shape Tomorrow

When you glimpse the future, or if it is revealed to you in the infinite reflections of Source, always remember the word “unity.” The path ahead is shaped by the choices you’ve made, both in your current life and in your Soul’s journey. The future is a reflection of all these choices.

Experiencing Joy and Connection

Look closely at the future through Anna’s closed eyes, which convey pure ecstasy—they may appear closed, but they are wide open to the joy of connection. Meanwhile, Dorothy, holding Anna’s hand, turns outward to greet a whole new world. Together, Anna and Dorothy represent how we can embody unity as we step into the future.

The Future

Embracing Unity Over Fear

The essence of the future is unity. It becomes frightening only when we cling to paradigms of fear or separation. These limiting perspectives are learned behaviors. Fortunately, Anna and Dorothy haven’t adopted the notion of disconnection. They perceive each other as one, not as rivals.

A Vision of Togetherness

Despite being new acquaintances, Anna and Dorothy sang in harmony. They held hands, danced, ran, and played, while most adults in the park remained oblivious to their pure joy. They are unique individuals, yet they are not separate.

Welcome to the Future

Embrace this vision of the future, rooted in togetherness and unity. As we step forward, let us learn from the example of these two girls, who remind us that connection is the foundation of a bright tomorrow. Together, we can create a world where unity transforms our future into one filled with joy and possibility.

I will be offering a LIVE WITH WESTON JOLLY event addressing your questions about the New Year.  Check Events to attend. It’s free. And if you can’t make it, I will record it so you can listen to the questions and answers to what you can expect for the New Year.