Hi, I’m

After providing over 15,000 hours in session and speaking, I recognize that I have been gifted an extraordinary understanding.

“You’re much stronger and more empowered than you think you are…”

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Your thoughts of inspiration matter. SELF AWARENESS will change your life.

Seeing The Light

Are you afraid of that which you can not explain? The physical oneness and unification of all spirit is something that many have begun to take seriously. You can accept this love and assistance, if you allow it to appear.

What Do You Do When Your Beliefs are Self Limiting?

Historically, there are endless examples of people being put to death for having ideas that didn’t conform. Not much has changed, as most people today still fiercely protect their beliefs rather than channeling the truth.

Truth Is

The truth is not political, biased or even a perspective. The truth is. This means by definition, that truth is eternal and being in truth doesn’t take discipline or hard work.

Mothers Who Are Mothers

Almost all mothers protect their offspring in the beginning, but eventually this trait must die. A mother has to let go of all protection unconditionally, with love, when her child is whole and complete. It is one of the supreme gifts a mother can offer her child.

Secrets of Control

Are you having difficulty in breaking your own control patterns? Is it really an act of love to remain enslaved? You can free yourself from such thoughts and feelings.

Imagine a Time of Love

We can decide to love and be loved and if you make this choice, you are reminded that you are nor can not separate. In this natural state of oneness, there’s a connection and love like no other that is without fear, death and hiding.

Book Interview with Weston Jolly

The book is all about creating personal self awareness about what you have chosen. Some find these answers in a spiritual realm but discoveries about the real self and our connection can be experienced in any chosen way. Even those who may not endorse a Higher Power will find the book to be very interesting.